Hey @msp-bidbot, I accidentally sent two bids out, but one definitely wasn’t on purpose....could I get a refund on at least one?
I read the community standards a little too late. But to be candid,in my minnow opinion, the guidelines seem a little arbitrary. They fail to consider the different interfaces that have been designed to interact with the STEEM blockchain; not everyone is trying to read a post, or explanation/ long worded description when they’re engaging the steem blockhain. Perhaps on Steemit, yes, that’s most likely is the case, since this is a primarily blogging interface.
But, that doesn’t mean that the STEEM blockhain is just for blogging. This view and policy place a limit on the different potential User Experiences that can be developed for the blockchain.
Each UI affords different interactions, which in turn, shape a different experience for each user. Not everyone has the time, or access to a keyboard, or want to write a long post. Sometimes single photo does say a 1000 words.
Nor is everyone on here to read always trying to read a 1000 word post.
I understand that the goal is to try to avoid the abuse of the reward pool and spam, but overdoing it by placing too many subjective rules on what is deemed “quality content” without taking into account the different UI’s and experiences they afford, just limits, in the long run, the different types of experiences that can be designed to engage on this blockchain.
Besides, it’s not like I just copy pasted something, I’m submitting an orignal work that took time to design and craft.
So if other vloggers of photographers can’t get views on theirwork, despite paying a bot for an upvote, what’s the incentive to leave instagram? How does this give @steepshot a fighting chance?
To conclude my gripe: the guidelines naively assume all short content equates to garbage. This is obviously a fallacy, because If that were so, Twitter, Instagram, or Youtube wouldn’t be the platforms of influence they are today.
In general, attention spans are only getting shorter, and your time ever increasing in value. These factors are why today, Memes, GIFs, and snappy Videos go viral and create network effects , way more reliably then “blog post” and long articles can eve, no matter how “quality” the content.
Limiting the potential network effects we can gain on the platform by having an abudance of rich media available is shortsighted, because it doesn’t realize the potential of this blockchain.
Potential growth is curbed when we fail to consider that people searching and posting on other UI’s like steepshot might not be looking for the content that you or more most people on steemit are looking for. I doubt that the users searching on Dtube are trying to read anything for that matter, chances are, they’re looking for something to listen to. So how do the guidelines help with this?
Let the free market decide.
I’m sorry for going on such a long rant.
Anyhow, please give me my refund back. Thank you.
Very well said dear