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RE: Dear Bidbots: Thoughts after the hardfork

in #bidbot6 years ago

Well put, community first and cleaning up our Blockchain to make our Steem and everything in it grow in value..... I'm ready no matter the outcome, for we are all learning on how to make Steem great agian....... 🤣🤣🤣👆🏾 Had to throw the last part in.... Haha but seriously I want Steem to be great for us all.....💯

Posted using Partiko Android


Haha it always makes me grin when Dump says “make America great again.” Cuz America is shit and always has been. The dark history and even present that we exist in, have never been great. Gotta be great before you can be great “again.” 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

Posted using Partiko iOS

P.S. - I hate the politicians, none of them represent me. Same goes for a lot of Americans. Our country sucks.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excuse me sir, but apparently you have never heard of deep-fried twinkies.... If a place with deep-fried twinkies is not the land of the free, I don't know what is!

Ok, ok, ya got me there. ;) LOL!

Only had them once or twice in my life, not a huge fan of sweets, but they sure were good.

I'll keep politics out of this... lol... but I will say: Boy do I wish we truly were free. All of us. The human race. Too many groups with too many power keeping too many of us down for their own gain. :( I have hope for a better future though. Time will tell. ;)