Every upvote bot has own rules like refund policy, min bid and etc.As the @themarkymark, in the end, depends on how much people send money in a current bidding round ( every 2.4 hours ).
@upme don`t sell upvotes private and will never do. In a current market situation, people will use one bidding bot only if the value is good.
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@suggeelson so it's good to split money and use all of them, I mean the best ones at the same time
Sure, just provide good content and upvote new post and you will get "natural" uvotes from a community as well.
Upvoting posts that expire after 13-20 hours can give you a downvote from some fellow members.
I didn't know about that, but it's strange why upvoting after about 20 hours can give me downvote ? the new posts are more likely to be downvoted