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RE: Dear Bidbots: Thoughts after the hardfork

in #bidbot6 years ago

Not sure if we talked on discord or through steem :/

I didn't say "go to" anywhere, the closest is "to go out of line"... if you are talking about the "to go out of line" part, there are many people that, through the system I'm mentioning, would get accepted into it and after they would just write spam and get a bidbot with a whitelist to upvote their posts, the only mechanism to prevent this would be to blacklist.


sorry, my mistake. You said "talk to them".
Thanks for responding.
Your name sounded familiar. I thought, we met in the steemstem-channel.

ohhh wait, maybe that's where we meet xD I haven't been on the SteemStem channel in a while now, haven't had much time to write a SteemStem post, those are hard, really hard...