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RE: Dear Bidbots: Thoughts after the hardfork

in #bidbot6 years ago

Decrying extortion is not claiming entitlement to rewards. Rather extortion depends on pandering to stake, as only stake weighting is potentially a threat on Steem. Your threats are based on your own entitlement to power due to the weight of your stake. Projection is demonstration of denial, and you are projecting all over me.

However, I will note that the community needs to be rewarded for creation of content in order for that content to be created, and thereby add value to Steem. Insofar as extracting value from that chain using stake weighting diminishes the rewards creators attain, bidbots prevent that value from inuring to Steem. Were that a small matter, it would be inconsequential, but stake weighting extracts ~90% of rewards already, and HF21 is going to decrease the rewards allowed to trickle down to creators by more than half. Rather than inconsequential, it is existential.

Not only am I correct that bots voting equally with humanity degrades humanity, but they are also reducing capital gains, and vectors of profiteering that are destroying Steem. There are reasons society engenders certain ethical and moral standards, including hard work, self sacrifice for the greater good, and etc... Building society requires foregoing potential personal rewards.

You demonstrate those values well, but not by running a bidbot. Even the most ethically run bidbot must extract value from the content of creators to be profitable, and thus degrades the society and the value of Steem. Threatening people if they don't vote or deploy their stake as you desire is what you have done, and projecting that onto me doesn't change that fact. I simply note that some things are harmful, some are beneficial, and generally act to promote the beneficial.

Extortion is harmful, and the reflection of pandering. Look in that mirror before you accuse me. No matter how you sift my history on Steem, you will not find examples of pandering, extortion, profiteering, or entitlement. If you do, I will be grateful to have it pointed out to me, so I can rectify the situation.

"I have a right to interact with unethical bidbots however I want."

I disagree that you have a right to do anything you want with your stake, because some things you can do with stake are illegal, and others unethical and harmful. Your rights end where other's rights begin. Freedom is accompanied by responsibility. Liberty is not libertine.

"I’m going to protect Steem, my home, from people hurting it."

Then quit destroying the value of Steem by running a bidbot.

Capital gains FTW.