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RE: Are Bid-bots Good For Steemit? - Yes or No? - Best Argument For Each Position Wins 5 Steem!

in #bidbots7 years ago (edited)

The entire reason that people have a problem with bid-bots is because they don't understand basic business/economics/marketing principles. These idiotic crybabies see other people making $200+ per post while they're getting $0.03 and rather than admit to themselves that they need to work on their content or their marketing skills they would rather blame the system that they cannot participate in because of their own lack of skills or funds.

If you're complaining that bid-bots make things unfair because the stake weighted system favors those who already hold stake then you fail to realize that without bid-bots the system favors those who already hold stake even more. Anyone who has been here long enough will attest to this, sadly what they say gets thrown out the window because anyone who has been here that long is seen as an evil whale.

Before bid-bots, only those who already had the attention of other whales, or were whales themselves ever hit trending. Now we have a system that allows minnows and dolphins a way to buy their way to the top of trending and join the ranks of the whales and dolphins. Sure it favors those who have money, but thats is just a fact of life that you poor people are going to have to deal with. Feel free to stick your head in the fucking ground and pretend that when correctly spent money doesn't make progressing through nearly every facet of life much easier.


Sorry to be so accusative but I'm sick and tired of this global sentiment that is anti success. While it sounds like a good idea equality of outcome has never produced sustainable progress if any at all. What does though is equality of opportunity, and while the current system may have its flaws removing bid bots will not serve to make this better, as it will only serve to remove one of the greatest opportunities for poor steemians to become rich.


I hope you do not mind that I will be responding to this argument in a post tomorrow. You are welcome to come and respond once I have done so. I will not share your name in the post, as it is the argument I wish to offer clarification on. This isn't about making you look like a fool.

Everyone has a choice. Even slaves have a choice. Death or slavery. -- Daario Naharis

this just got you a follow. As the ilk of an escaped slave I almost 100% agree with this. One of my old signatures was .

"Open your eyes slave, the keys to your shackles are right in front of you. You can either wait for them to release you or you can stretch your arm out and take it."

While there are definitely undeniable physical components to it slavery is mainly a mental thing. Ive read that the final secret of the Masons is that "we are all equal".

Ive read that the final secret of the Masons is that "we are all equal".

I do not think I have heard this before. It's funny though because I have been thinking about this a lot again recently. I've been looking at the things I am a lot better at than most and those that I am far worse than most at, and wondering if we are all equal, but that it is more like an equal amount of points distributed in differing ways across a number of base attributes. Like how it would be choosing a character to fight with on a computer game.

But then I meet some people who are rather dumb, rather ugly, and rather a cunt also. I have to wonder which attributes of theirs are at level 99 to compensate for the lack in other regards.

I wish i had a better response to this, but this is actually something that I've just recently read and been pondering about ever since. It was discovered accidentally while researching the connection between gangstalking and mass shooters.

Thanks a lot for adding your point of view to the conversation @mlgcrypto.

I hope your day is going well mate.