
Yep, unless what you say happens to reach the right ears.
Dan jumped ship one day after i posted about never being free of crapitalism until you stand up and take your freedoms for yourself.
He was gone the next day.
Its in the blockchain, if anybody cares to look.

And then he set off on a trail to defraud folk apparently via money washing his own ICO. :-) His failure to prove he did not is pretty damaging to say the least.

'Everybody' said steem was a scam, and we'll be doing ok once we get rid of the scammers that latched onto dan's genius for crapitalistic reasons.
I dont know about eos, never did get a wallet.
I suspect that dissenting groups will have to build their own thing there, too.

Is the jury out, or is there a conclusive verdict?

It is what it is and is likely to persist without much change except for the worse.
Until we go back to the original and undo some of the sabotage, this, or something worse, is what we get.