The other day I shared this post on this post that was done by Shoebat on the investigation into the Max Planck Institute. In the same post I added some things about my Father who is suffering from Mylodeplastic Syndrome (MDS), blood disorder is pre-leukemia that doesn't produce enough red blood cells. Most wouldn't bother reading anything to due short attention span or just don't care say I don't have the time, etc. I'm very sick and tired of the nonsense. I'm attaching that part again from what I said about the Marketing s*** by the powers that shouldn't be all for power and wealth that you can't take it with you in the next life. For the love of money is to root of all evil as stated in 1 Timothy 6:10.
Again, I'm attaching the information again and would really appreciate some consideration and appreciation despite of all of the s*** I'm dealing with is that so hard to ask. Currently my father is getting worse, feels anemic, sleeping more, therefore, it's only a matter of time.
You do realize that God created each of us for a purpose and a brain to use. Use rational thinking with common sense, morality, and with discernment.
From what I brought up about Amgen being a Big Pharma corporation. Look into others who do similar things such as Johnson and Johnson S.C., Merck, Mayo Clinic, etc. Over a third of the drugs are designed to fail. Always ask questions and do your own homework on every drug the doctor markets as beneficial and works great for patients. None of the doctors will ever tell you of the side effects of any the drugs. They always have their backs against the computer and never look it up in front of you, go over it with you, ask any and all questions. It's the drug, please the dosage of the drug that makes the difference. They always follow national guidelines, which is a higher dosage anyway that causes adverse side effects than always start with the lowest dosage possible. These doctors and nurses who work from them and the hospital know if they don't market the big pharma drugs, they loose their business. They never do any blood testing to make sure you are not allergic to the drug, since every drug and food has ingredients. When they ask what drugs are you allergic to? Shouldn't that tell you something. Knowing what you are allergic too, including the ingredients thereof, helps down the road just in case. But they won't do any blood testing because it's not a money maker. They know more than they are saying, period.
I'm attaching a couple of videos with information from what was stated. Please watch these videos, read and share.
Please watch this video by TruthStreamMedia.
Vaccines are ineffective caught on camera.
Abeno & Polio Vaccine causes Cancer containing SB-40.
You Won't Believe What They Admitted on the News in 1971...
BREAKING! Is Donald Trump Keeping His Promises? Why Obamacare May Never Be REPEALED??!! by David Zublick
Donald Trump may have an interest in keeping Obamacare alive. Are Trump's first 100 days in office filled with more disappointments than accomplishments? David Zublick unseals the truth in this exclusive interview with Ronnie McMullen of Life Change Tea!
Joshua Kushner, brother of Jared. Has company called Oscar that is connected to Obamacare. A $2 billion-dollar company that is online application that sells insurance to those that can’t qualify.
For the Individual mandate & the Federal Government may partially subside the plans that the Oscar app sells & manages.
Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits
High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC)
Is Vitamin C Cancer Therapy Effective?
PRESS RELEASE: Study Finds High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Reduces Pain and Inflammation in Those with Rheumatoid Arthritis as Reported in a Recent Paper Published by Riordan Clinic Scientists
Dr. Rima "Big Pharma & Department Of Defense Are Putting Nanobots In Vaccines Right Now."
Natural Solutions Foundation. Dr.RimaIndiaPaper
Lack of Informed Consent. Vitamin C Intravenously that he needed.
Vitamin C is not given in hospitals because it evokes body own healing mechanism.
Forced into vaccination to destroy their immune system, not permitted to choose their treatment, slaves to the system. Need free flow of information.
Useless Eaters. Whether serving Globalist or NOT, used as an Art Term in 20’s Germany. Finished serving Globalist Agenda.
Meningitis Vaccine causes Meningitis. Causes of Polio are spread by Vaccines.
People stayed away from the 2009 Swine Flu, no outbreak.
Pertussis has become more lethal in South Korea. Once population was 99.4% vaccinated went from unknown to 1300 times greater, vaccinated provided no protection, downstream market of Autism, Cancer, Alzheimer’s.
Clever like a fox, builds Big Pharma De-Populationists.
Nano Silver daily on a proactive prophylactic basis, not an antibiotic and support the immune system, and non-toxic.
Big Pharma & Department Of Defense Are Putting Nanobots In Vaccines Right Now. There’s no label. There’s mercury even though the label says Mercury Free Vaccine, no such thing as Mercury Free, doesn’t exist.
HPV never been shown to cause cancer, normal component of the human flora of the human body, comes and goes. 99% of cases resolved in two years, 1 % is additional year. Tunes the immune system just like Measles does. We need immune challenge, vaccines and other things poison the immune system.
Virus SV40, which single handedly accounted for Worldwide for Cancer. Lead back to Polio vaccines cancer causing virus that CDC knew & never filtered the dose. If they filtered it out properly, would’ve been 5-20 cents per dose.
Autism is environmental, mess up the nervous system with a combo of things that open blood-brain barrier, push poisons like aluminum, mercury, and glyphosate Roundup. Poisons are being added part of the Pyramid (Illuminati).
The powers that be are pushing for Autistic workers to be disabled, infertile, & replaceable. Novel “Brave New World” about Vaccines are being tuned producing High-Functioning Autistic Technician workers. Agenda 21
Why Illuminated Aluminum, Mercury, Formaldehyde, Polylobate 80 (an infertility agent), vaccines contain foreign DNA, fetal boarded cell DNA, human cancer DNA, Fluoride, Monosodium Glutamate (a neurotransmitter that excites & wear out parts of the brain are involved in discrimination and learning. Not science fiction.
Edward Jenner vaccinated children, including his son who died of Smallpox vaccine which resulted dying of Syphilis, including Babies. Government increased Jenner’s salary, including penalties for those not being vaccinated. Totally Insane!
Vaccine Directive Card, informed consent card is a right to refuse any and all the 126 countries called Geneva Connection country. Cannot penalize.
Part 1 of Shoebat Investigation into the Max Planck Institute as a German Nazi cult being done for purposes of Eugenics on those not without the Neanderthal gene, look for other corporations who do the same thing
What these Eugenicists Darwinist scientists and thinkers are doing is all propaganda it's all political and ideological manipulate strategy to get people deliberating dumbed down with acceptance into the genocide and human experimentation that continues to this day. The whole Evolution is a Marketing Scam just like the Global Warming Scam all advanced by scientists so they could change the normalization of society and appoint themselves as the moral authorities.
Even with all of these so-called treatments such as Stem Cell injections, Parabiosis and so forth. You have to wonder where does the treatment come from and why? Since the Stem Cells comes from aborted babies, that is Murder no matter what. Parabiosis is draining the youths blood and create a false fountain of youth for the elderly. For those who are not aware of what all of these blood transfusions does is ultimately the person dies of the disease itself.
Did you know too many antibiotics within the blood turns out for the recipient of the blood to be rejected of the blood and therefore blood transfusions won't work for the person? That is why when you need a blood transfusion is a process and there for hours with the Complete Blood Count (CBC) and the type in-cross is what matches your blood with compatible donor with same antibodies. How do I know of this is because my Father suffers from a blood disorder called Mylodeplastic Syndrome (MDS). This disorder disrupts the production of red blood cells, therefore the only treatments are chemo drugs or blood transfusions.
Life expectancy for anyone with this disease is only 2.5 years and is a form of leukemia and makes the person feel weak or anemic and tricky to diagnose in the first place. He's had this over a year and may only have a few months to a year to live. By the way those chemo drugs are absolute s***. Why because they weaken your immune system and can kill you faster and my father has tried them all. The first called Aranesp is the worst one that caused three major falls and fractured ribs, with intense pain and body weakness for 6 weeks. The blood doctor could care less when we informed her and her staff during the process about this and blames the disease instead of the drug. We wanted to wait this drug out or flush out the insane drug out of his system, so even if we were able to get him in and see the doctor, who would've killed him quicker by injecting him again with another drug. Still after from what I found and presented to this so-called doctor, could care less, very arrogant and know-it-all, still wanted him to try Aranesp again "because we never gave it a chance to do anything." We told her absolutely not and no way you're giving him that again.
Others who asked why don't you go to another doctor? Answer, all of the mainstream doctors promote the same drugs and everything else. Plus, the alternative treatments such as Intravenous Vitamin Therapy that only boosts the immune system through IV clinical setting just like getting a blood transfusion only delay the inevitable. We did seek another consult who is also a Mainstream Doctor said the same propaganda that the chemo drugs are wonderful and work great and agreed with the first doctor. When the evidence within each drug from their findings prove otherwise. Take a look at the studies within each drug that shows on the website and information by the FDA. Plus, whistle-blowers who used to go around the country promoting the drugs know the companies and doctors marketing these products make more money by the highest dosage possible causes most adverse side effects and early death than it was with lower dosage. The years on these studies mysteriously went missing, not to mention the $ billion dollars set aside for lawsuits for settlements to cover-up on the poor quality of these drugs, and the lobbying involved by the government includes Nutty Nancy Pelosi who made over $40,000 with these big pharma. The article I have here highlights all of that, including a young man who at age 52 died of an overdose of Epogen minutes after being discharged from the hospital. The wife asked what killed him faster the disease or the drug. She knows it was a drug and Amgen settled on the matter to keep her quiet. As a result companies such as Amgen makes billions of dollars just like the Max Planck Institute at the expense of human lives.
Anemia drug made billions, but at what cost?
Did you know that the costs per each injection are $3750 for Procrit and $12,500 for Aranesp. Usually these chemo drugs are between $3,000-$15,000 per injection? That's big money for these big pharma companies. How does one cover these costs because there is no way the average person could afford it? There are foundations setup to cover the bulk of the costs of the drug also aligned with the insurance companies. Such organizations that cover the costs of the drugs are Patient Access Network and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It's a grant that covers the costs per year. It's not just big pharma it's the foundations that benefit to market the consumer into taking the prescribed drug because it's promoted to do good, when in reality these drugs kill a person quicker with the insane adverse side effects and effectiveness of the drug are only temporary. Similar to drugs such as Opdivo a chance to live longer by three months, what kind of quality of life is that? In this forum you'll find comments from those who are on the drug know it works 20% of patients with 80% with no response whatsoever.
By the way when you look into Aranesp and the other drugs used to manage MDS, those drugs are connected with a company called Amgen that responsible for many adverse side effects with the drugs especially the really potent ones. The only less potent drug is called Procrit that is milder, is injected weekly, had no effect on my father whatsoever. The other drug not to take is called Revlimid that was last resort chemo drug based on genetics with the MDS, within 5 days caused his kidney function to go off a bit, including too high Calcium levels. This lead him to go on a diet and see a kidney doctor who ruled it was the drug that caused this problem and to stay off of Vitamin D which raises the Calcium levels too. Within a few months of this Revlimid that it took for my father to bounce back from the Doctor wanted him to take the drug again, of which he told her no and keeping at the very back of my mind.
In fact on the day when he received the first dosage of the drug, the doctor never ordered any labs to make verify what red blood count is he at and if he needed a blood transfusion, then we are there at the hospital anyway. When we asked questions about the drug and other things, no one bothered to answer, so I looked into the matter, which didn't take long. Once I presented the information to the doctor and nurses, they could care less. That is their duty to inform and make sure that the patient is receiving the best care. I suggested since they do blood tests on everything else, then why is it those who have allergy tests is not found not just food, but in other things and other ingredients too. Why is it when you go through the demographics with the nurse they always ask "are there any medications you are allergic to?"
By the way, there are other blood disorders that you could have blood transfusions for decades while maintaining the levels and keep living. With MDS, it's not the case it's fatal no matter what. All of those treatments are very temporary.
The doctors and scientists with big pharma know if they conduct allergy blood tests they would find that some people are allergic to one or more ingredients within each drug. I'm allergic to the Crest Pro Health mouthwash that caused intense redness and mouth swelling. How I treated this is with Listerine heavily and within a day or two, that swelling and redness went away and I was fine. Why because I'm allergic to some ingredient within the Crest Pro Health itself.
Big Pharma knows if more are tested for allergies and of course there are plenty of evidence that proves most of the big pharma drugs are crap just like the vaccines too. Science=Eugenics
They know they will loose business if they did any further testing revealing what others have found because all of the illnesses out there fuel their business, another marketing tool for depopulation agenda.
It's not just the Nazi's out in the Max Planck Institute they are everywhere including other institutes including your own doctors who are more interested in marketing drugs that eugenics drugs that kill you quicker than the disease itself. Worst part is they know and cover-up the findings to justify their position in society. With all of the money and power and worldly materials will never achieve any form of salvation whatsoever. Evil cannot fight evil, another propaganda marketing tool leading to the same eternal end.
Sorry to go on and on, but you have got to understand it's not just one thing, it's a multitude of things that lead into this and that. What these powers that shouldn't be are doing to justify their evils making themselves the superior race with Neanderthal gene and who knows what else is a scam and pure garbage. Then, could any of these elites explain how they get sick from diseases just like everyone else, including the common cold and other things that involve the aging process and die anyway. They are Satanists that worship themselves and want to extend their lives for false utopia NWO. Our bodies are not meant to live forever. It's the condition of the character and morality that matters.
Have any of them rejected of their evil ways and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of mankind, who came to purify God's word and save mankind from sin and eternal death? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, anyone who believes with conviction of the mind, heart, and soul will be saved. Just know it's not just once saved always saved, it's a progress with being responsible and accountable for following and preaching God's word.
Road of Salvation
Jesus Saves Prayer of Salvation, PLEASE SHARE
Other postings, please read and share.
Court Sets Ominous Precedent, Tells Mother, 'Vaccinate Your Son or Go to Jail'
Big pharma has kept the truth of #vaccines out of the spotlight despite compounding evidence that they aren't good for you. One study (funded by the CDC) found a 400% increase in spontaneous abortions for women who received a flu vaccine during pregnancy.
CDC-funded study confirms flu shots linked to spontaneous abortions… vaccine experts rush to explain away the findings
Share this article History repeats: Denmark And Iceland Have Become Absolute Nazi Nations, As They Are Exterminating All Children With Down Syndrome
Should this be any surprise of what the Counter Jihad Movement are really about, latest is supporting witch doctors performing sick paganism actions for belief to get wealth and power
Please read this link to watch for the Illuminati Symbolism, not just the gestures, look for the pyramids, eye of Ra, etc.
Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?)
HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed
No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians
Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise
Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda
The World Is Heading Towards Armageddon As The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Prepare For War. Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, And The Major Military Powers Of The Earth Are All Preparing For World War Three
Well isn't this special? France Just Gave Seven Hundred Kilograms Of Plutonium To Japan, Enough To Make One Hundred Nuclear Bombs. Nuclear War Is Coming
No surprise here "Shinzo Abe, The Prime Minister Of Japan, Just Dissolved The Lower House Of The Japanese Parliament. And The Japanese Government Now Wants To Create A Cashless Society And Establish A Digital Currency."
Big pharma is a business like an other , their goal is to make money and not to fix us. that's why I don't take any medicated drugs anymore and rely on mother nature, fruits and vegies are your best allies.
Good luck for you , keep strong. I am so sorry to hear about your father
I upvote you and resteem
Great post and thanks for sharing and spreading awareness. Fear and money are the corrupt driving forces with big Pharma.