Precum is a clear, sticky liquid produced by males when sexually aroused. It comes out from the tip of the male reproductive system during sexual stimulation. It maybe shocking to know that apart from foreplay, masturbation or even penetrative sex, precum can also occur from normal visual stimulation.
Different individuals experience this discharge in different ways. Some don't get the discharge at all but most people experience a discharge that covers the head of the penis. This discharge can serve as a great embarrassment. When this happens, the sufferer's confidence and interaction with sexual partners suffers alot.
A weakneaning of the parasympathetic nerves and PC muscle. These are mainly classified as the causes of the leakage. These nerves are what controls the body's reactions during sexual arousal. They keep the ejaculation valves closed. When these nerves become weak, it drains the amount of sexual energy that is possessed in a man. This can lead to a number of conditions. These includes premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of erection.
According to research, reports suggested that about 1 in 10 teen to adult males are affected with the condition of excessive precum production. This issue of precum is not viewed as a major medical concern, rather it is being seen like a personal issue. Over time, some of these questions have being asked in other to tackle the issue of precum. They include;
Does precum increase, decrease or remain stable as we age?
Does a man's body build or weight have an effect?
Does ethnic origin have an effect on precum?
Do environmental factor have influence on it?
These questions are unlikely to be answered by medical research anytime soon.
KEGEL EXERCISES: These exercises helps streghten the muscles within the pelvic floor area. This will provide more support to hold the reproductive organs in their proper places. They are usually practicedvto tackle erectile dysfunction and also stop premature ejaculation.
TESTORONE BOOSTERS: This boosters are essential in the repair of damages in the sexual organ. They are great in reducing the levels of pre-cum
Some herbal remedies can also be used to cure precum
Very informative and educative, I think many males are suffering from precum. Is there a biological term for this?
#bigwaves mode
Pls i dont really understand the question.. The biological term.. Do you mean the biological name for precum .. Barrister media ent
Yes, is there a biological name. 😂