Can't Even Imagine Without BIKES!

in #bikes7 years ago (edited)

Wassup Steemians!
I am back again with another post this time sharing my thoughts on Bikes.

Four wheels move the Body, TWO wheels move the SOUL.

You never see a MOTORCYCLE parked outside of a Psychiatrist's Office.

Owning a BIKE is not a matter of LIFE or DEATH.
It is much more important than that.

Motocycle Riding gives you a sense of freedom which you don't get in a Car.
Get in a Car your sense take you on a different significance.

So had you ever thought if bikes were not made. I can't even imagine a single second without bikes because they are like my heart. I really want to thanks the living legends who made BIKES.


When LIFE gets you DOWN remember!
Its only ONE DOWN and the REST of UP.

Bikes are like :-
If you are in sad mood just go for a ride and after sometime you were like in joyful mood.


Bikes are more aggressive then cars if you take SuperCar also you will not get that thrill in any car.

The thrill which SuperBike will give you is breathaking.

As I am a Biker. Its my responsibility to ride safe and hard.

Make sure you ride with proper Riding Gears because are precious families wait for us.

Bikes are to precious take care of it like your family member.

Bikes take you to the dream of worlds. With open and straight roads with wide open throttles.

When LIFE gets Complicated, I RIDE !

Travelling in a Car is like watching a Movie,
Riding a motorcycle is like Starring in it.

There are two kinds of People in the world,
Those who Ride and those who wish they did.


geiles Teil. Grüsse Bastards MC Germany

@votingbastard please translate in english?

I love the quotes you have

“4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul”

So true! I am getting out on my bike next week since it has been stored away during the cold, rainy and icy English winter! Bring on the sun and riding!

Very important point you made to wear safe gear!

@sunsethunter yeah bro if we are riding with proper gear we are doing are safety and as we are bikers its are responsibility brother. waiting for your post on bikes

I have just posted a bike post about a track day I experienced - I hope you like it. I rented a cbr600rr and had track lessons for a day, it was amazing. I will post about road riding next :)

thanks bro, and yes I couldn’t agree with you more

@sunsethunter why you don't agree with me?

Sorry, I meant that I completely agree with you - I worded the sentance wrong. We must always wear safety gear! :)

@sunsethunter ya bro i was also like i have not said anything wrong but you are not agreed with me! yeah we must be

Haha :)
I can’t wait for this season of MotoGP to start! Not long now