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RE: Bilderberg and Bitcoin

in #bilderberg7 years ago (edited)

Slightly off subject, but regarding the Bilderberg Group/global elite, when it comes to conspiracy, they operate right alongside, and in conjunction with, some of the most notoriously corrupt people in the world, and this fact is particularly obvious when it comes to the IMF and the funds being pumped into Ukraine to cover losses incurred by Franklin Templeton, George Soros and The Blackstone Group. A glimpse at all that corruption can be found in the following links, including a look at one of the main players amongst the Swiss global elite, Ukrainian billionaire oligarch Igor Kolomiosky. Thus, it is not all conspiracy theory when it comes to what these people really get up to...... much of it is conspiracy fact.

Robert Parry of Consortium News provides even more insight into Kolomoisky and his corrupt dealings.

Therefore, it goes without saying that these people are capable of quite terrible things when it comes to maintaining their top tier positions as members of the ruling class. Considering what they did in Ukraine, they will do anything to make sure they get what they want and not lose their power over us.