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RE: Bilderberg Trading Cards Idea, George Webb vs Defango on Seth Rich Investigation

in #bilderberg8 years ago

The last week or so of Webb's investigation has been a train wreck. Impossible to follow the livestreams with 3 or 4 people talking over each other and the trolling in the comments, Jason Goodman blaming DeFango for lying or changing the files, the Mossad mentions, etc. Turned into a shit show.
As far as the files go, I'm with you. I think Defango was trying to help them out.

I'm still willing to give GW a chance to redeem himself, he has uncovered a lot in his investigation (Dyncorp, awans, rat-lines,etc.) but i can understand how people here Mossad and jump ship.

I always wondered why Webb refused to address the pizzagate investigation, but i guess he was trying to avoid the label and wanted to be taken more seriously.

I'm no fan of Mossad, or CIA, or any spy agencies... But it's still possible that Mossad or 'old guard' Mossad want to dismantle the DC criminal network.

I agree with you that we should all step up and get more people digging into Seth Rich's murder as it has the potential to bring down the criminal network.

Anyways, what a clusterfuck.


Yeah, I hear you. GW provides a lot of good evidence, a lot of stuff checks out. It is like Wikileaks a limited hangout. Which just means the information is correct, however the stuff he is willing to cover is limited.

Wikileaks for example won;t leak 9/11 stuff, because a lot of it points to Mossad involvement, and in my opinion Wikileaks is protected by Israel.