During a Reddit “ask me anything” session on Tuesday, Bill Gates was asked about his take on cryptocurrencies. His response was-
The main feature of crypto currencies is their anonymity. I don’t think this is a good thing. The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing. Right now crypto currencies are used for buying Fentanyl and other drugs so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way. I think the speculative wave around ICOs and crypto currencies is super risky for those who go long.
This is obvious (and not even good) fear mongering.
Look like his main concern about crypto is that its owner can’t be identified, like cash. The globalists want all transaction tracked.
Gates also threw in that emotional keyword Fentanyl. Everybody knows Fentanyl is bad and therefore had to link it with cryptocurrency, but everybody also knows that nobody buys Fentanyl with cash or get it prescribed from doctors and helped bought by their insurance company. And let’s also forget about the inventors and manufacturers of the drug, but I digress.
This is quite odd coming from a guy who has used Bitcoin for Microsoft and non-profits The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation had set up.
In 2014, Microsoft accepted Bitcoin as payment for their products including Xbox games. Though Microsoft is no longer owned by Bill Gates today, Microsoft has announced it will employ blockchain technology to store personal data.
Bill Gates is also heavily involved with the cryptocurreny Ripple, which is widely known as the one crypto that has ties the globalists and their agenda. Companies like Google, Facebook and a plethora of big banks have all invested interest in Ripple. Ripple is the only crypto supported by the big banks and the big global banks’ public take on crypto is the same as Gates and the rest of them.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is using Ripple to send to the third world under the guise that they don’t have access to banks, which is odd.
Why is it that Gates’ actions support crypto while going out in public and saying it kills people? I have a few theories.
Gates and the rest of the globalists are trying to make statements like this to help crash the crypto market to prop up their interests in it.
The globalists are finding out that they cannot control crypto like they can fiat so they must do what they can to sabotage and discredit it.
This statement sets the public precedent that money has to be tracked and controlled by some nameless and faceless suits.
In early February, Skull and Bones initiate and Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, appeared at the G20 Summit calling for the regulation of crypto. Mnuchin used the same fear mongering that Gates was using, like people can buy drugs with it and launder money.
The attack on crypto from all the bad guys indicates that it’s a major threat to them. Crypto just may be the humanities ticket out of the global debt bank bondage.
Bill Gates caused deaths in a fairly direct way as of use of MS Windows to order fentanyl online. #asshole #billgates #money #btc #bitcoin