Join me as we expose the TRUE nature of our nation's most powerful families:
Any student of our civilization's past is familiar with the saying
"History is written by the victors"
Indeed, the conquering group is the one that writes the records of past conflicts.
The most powerful among us are able to hide their crimes & paint themselves as saints
For this reason, it is EXTREMELY important that we look critically at our own version of history
Especially in the times we find ourselves in now, as we trust our economy, civil rights & our very bodily health to the
Of our "elite"
Specifically one man
Bill Gates
So who IS Bill Gates?
Where did he come from?
How did he make his LEGENDARY wealth?
What exactly are his beliefs, friends, & objectives?
To answer these questions, we'll have to dig deep into the history of America's billionaire industrialists, their ideologies & tactics
In this thread, we'll be covering a couple of core families that shaped modern history like
- Gates
- Rockefellers
- Bushes
- Dulles
Their groups/ideologies/organizations
- Eugenics
- Skull & Bones Society
- IG Farben
- Nazi Party
& how they used monopolies to maintain their rule
I think one of the most important parts of getting to know Gates is reading a 1997 "Time" interview he did where he laughs while explaining that he's not sure if the universe only exists
"for me"
When asked about the divinity of the human soul
"I don't have any evidence of that"
No divinity in the human soul huh?
Where could he have got this idea from?
For this, we'll have to look at his Father's profession
You see, the Gates family was ALREADY rich and well connected, contrary to the
"Garage startup/rags to riches"
Narrative we're sold.
His father a wealthy law firm owner, and his mother the daughter of a banker, Bill had access to every advantage in life.
His father was a member of the board of famous Eugenist Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood
We don't talk about Margaret Sanger very much these days, why?
To fully understand Margaret Sanger's
"Negro Project"
We'll have to take a look at the entire 20th century Eugenics movement
The idea was based around the concept of
"Social Darwinism"
Or that those considered "unfit" should not be allowed to reproduce for the good of all.
Link to Snopes confirming Sanger's KKK meeting attendence
You don't need a TON of historical knowledge to know that this viewpoint was used to justify racist practices.
Indeed, this is the same movement that would inspire Hitler's Nazis to pursue their own "cleansing"
Here's a great little video summary of Eugenics and Gates' connections to it
Funding both Sanger's efforts & German Eugenism?
The Rockefellers.
Link to "The Rockefeller Century" Page 190
"But WAIT Mr. Tang, that's not what we're taught about the Rockefellers! They're a pillar of capitalist US society, philanthropists who earned their way to the top with hard work!"
Yes, that is what we're taught about them, their public image is immaculate thanks to one man
Ivy Lee
Ivy Lee is the man who first invented the press release, and is considered the
"Grandfather of Propaganda"
As his ideas of
"public relations"
Were exactly what the ruthless, Gilded Age American industrialists (and later the Nazis) needed to polish up their reputations
So WHY exactly did these model Americans need such a propagandist?
The public HATED them
Besides price gouging the people through their oil monopoly, they also had absolutely 0 regard for human life
This was evident when they slaughtered their own workers in the Ludlow Massacre
Ivy Lee recommended that the Rockefellers perform very public acts of philanthropy to gain favor in the eyes of the public
After this massacre (where nearly 200 people died over 10 days), John D. Rockefeller started his famous practice of handing out dimes to children in public
Below is 1 such staged pic
Starting to sound familiar?
The Rockefellers then combined their need for public giving, and their lust for new industries to monopolize by targeting education & medicine
Thus was born
"Rockefeller Medicine"
Where the healthcare system of the United States was transformed through their funding of exclusively
"Allopathic medicine"
Like surgery & patentable pharmaceuticals
They did this by funding the very first medical schools
At the time being a doctor was not a very profitable occupation, and there was a lot of competition between "allopathic" & "homeopathic" (natural medicine) practices.
In those days there was a saying that with allopathic medicine (which involved a lot of bloodletting and amputations) you would
"die of the cure"
Thanks to the Rockefellers such homeopathic practices as Chiropractic treatments were labeled
And to this day are only starting to reemerge despite their proven effectiveness.
Now to practice medicine, you had to go through a Rockefeller school, adhere to their agenda, and prescribe their approved, patented medicine. This is the same system that is in place today, where the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States is "medical error"
This is how
"Big Oil" became "Big Pharma"
The Rockefellers saw the way petrochemicals derived from their oil could be sold for 100x their cost and in typical fashion monopolized the new pharmaceutical industry:
Through the "Flexner Report" (which they had funded through their friend and fellow robber baron/steel monopoly holder Andrew Carnegie) & more than $100 million in donations to medical schools, they eliminated natural medicine completely.
Alright well, hopefully, you're starting to see the parallels between the Gates/Rockefellers
Let's draw a few more.
The oligarchs of the past were called
"Robber Barons"
As they stole the wealth from the people through monopolization of the means of production and resources
Bill Gates represents a new class of Robber Baron:
While it may be hard for some of us to remember, he used to be known as a cutthroat CEO, hellbent on monopolizing the computer industry by stealing ideas & using intellectual property laws to crush the competition
These "Technocrats" (a Technocracy is a civilization run by "experts" as opposed to elected politicians) put a fresh face on the ruling class
Unlike Barons of the past, men like Gates EARNED their power through genius, & had no need to be elected in order to influence the country.
This sounds great until you start to investigate the various ways these tech
Have their monopolies supported through elite connections, government contracts, patents & tax exemptions
For more on Gates' origins, check out the video below:
One such fraudster, once considered a technocrat philanthropist, donating millions to
"advance science"
Is none other than one Jeffery Epstein
He even sat on the board of the, wait for it
Rockefeller Institute!
You can check out the 2002 NYMag puff piece below for more juice
The Epstein/Gates relationship is a perfect example of how the elite use Bill's squeaky clean public image to fund their agenda.
Not only did Gates fly with Epstein (after he was convicted as a child rapist), according to MIT emails, he funneled $2 million of donations on his behalf.
Epstein not only made a close Gates advisor an executor of his will (right before his death, perhaps a type of "dead man's switch") but was also a fan of Eugenics.
Rumored to have plans of impregnating up to 20 women on his New Mexico ranch to form a super race.
He also wanted to have his dick & brain frozen and preserved for resurrection lol
Now, of course, Gates flat out lied about their relationship, but are these two men REALLY so different?
Besides keeping much of the same elite company, Gates also is not far removed from pedophilia.
In fact, in 2013 one of his estate's enginers was arrested for kiddy porn.
This is no joking matter, and given the recent Epstein take down, people are FINALLY starting to take elite child sex trafficking seriously
I wrote an article explaining how the operation works, including details on:
- Weinstein
- Anthony Weiner]
So given all this, why don't more people question Gates' motives and character more?
Oh that's right, just like the Rockefellers, in 2000 after losing his anti-trust lawsuit with the government, with his public image at its worst, Gates started his OWN Billion dollar charitable foundation:
The Rockefeller Foundation 2.0
Close observers will notice that these 2 organizations fund a virtually IDENTICAL portfolio of projects
Clearly, the 2 groups share many of the same objectives, not to mention enjoying the same support/prestige from mainstream culture
The same playbook is being used
But Whose?
If Ivy Lee was the grandfather of propaganda, Edward Bernays was the father.
Nephew of the great psychologist Sigmund Freud, he sought to utilize his uncle's work in the real world
In 1928, when he published his landmark work
The word held no negative connotation.
It wasn't until the Third Reich's Minister of Propaganda
Joseph Goebbels
Got ahold of it and used it to create Hitler's cult of personality in Germany did the word start to obtain a sour taste.
Bernays was mortified & switched quickly to calling his practice "Public Relations"
Bernays would be remembered for things like:
Getting women to smoke by running a feminist advertising campaign using models at public events and referring to cigarettes as "Torches of Freedom"
Helping the CIA overthrow the democratically elected government of Guatemala
His methods relied on a strategy he called
"engineering consent"
The key being not to appeal to the logical, thinking mind, but to circumvent it by invoking STRONG emotions.
In this way, he communicates with the UNCONSCIOUS & makes his target believe the idea implanted is their own.
So HOW exactly are the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations utilizing this concept?
Well, much like the word "propaganda" itself, after WWII the word "Eugenics" had been tainted and Nazified
Just like Bernays switched to using "public relations"
So did they with
"Population Control"
You see, just like women refused to smoke in public until they saw it as a form of liberation:
The public would never support the most powerful men in our society working to reduce the numbers of the "lower class" until we saw OURSELVES as a deadly virus to the planet
By using fear of environmental collapse, they are allowed to speak and execute their depopulation agenda freely.
"hiding in plain sight"
It didn't take John D. Rockefeller the 3rd very long after WWII to form his
"Population Council"
In 1952, on the basis that the world would be irreversibly overpopulated by the year 2000
He, of course, got Frederick Osborne president of the "American Eugenics Society" to head it.
"Hmmm but come on now, these guys were just a little misled! And besides, they just wanted to provide birth control assistance. It's not like they wanted to sterilize people involuntarily!"
LMAO, that's where you're wrong Mr. Strawman.
From their own documentation of February 1969 (Pages 1 & 2 below)
In this document, it suggests multiple methods of involuntary sterilization such as adding โfertility control agentsโ to water supplies, temporary sterilization of all young women โvia time-capsule contraceptives,โ & compulsory sterilization of men with three or more children.
They also describe the ethics of these practices:
"Oh but those are just ideas they floated, it's not like they ever funded or implemented them. It's not like they made an anti-fertility vaccine lol!"
Yeah, ok, let's check out the Rockefeller Foundation Reports from 1968 (pg 52) and 1988 (pg 22) and see what we can find then
WHOOPS anti-fertility vaccines not such a crazy conspiracy NOW, huh?
"Haha, oh you silly paranoid headcase! It's not like they ever went through with an actual involuntary roll out of this though, we would have heard about it! Gates is Jesus & Einstein combined!"
On, that note, you might have seen this 2014 Kenya story "debunked"
In 2014, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association found traces of HCG in Tetanus vaccines being distributed to young women by WHO (and funded by the Gates Foundation)
Why is this important?
HCG is the same human pregnancy hormone that is used in conjunction with the Tetanus toxin in that EXACT ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FUNDED INDIAN INFERTILITY VACCINE (mentioned in the 1988 report)
G.P. Talwar Fertility Regulating Vaccine Update
What do they claim makes this "debunked"
- Doctors in the Philippines, Nicaragua & Mexico also claimed to have found HCG in their WHO distributed Tetanus vaccines in the 90s (they did), and there was a call for a congressional investigation
The whole scandal was essentially he said/she said, where local doctors claimed to find traces of HCG and WHO claiming their testing methods weren't scientific. It's important to note they were EXCLUSIVELY targeting reproductive-age women in all of these countries, and their schedule of doses matches that of the Indian vaccine.
- The WHO didn't fund the development of that Indian vaccine (BECAUSE THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION DID)
Consider that this Anti-fertility vaccine has been in development since before 1988 through 2014 to this day.
It does appear as if the Rockefellers have implemented their "involuntary fertility control" & have used Tetanus vaccines as cover to test this pet project of theirs.
It also appears as if the Rockefellers used the Gates Foundation as a smokescreen (much like Epstein did) to reimplement testing of this vaccine and avoid suspicion after the '94 scandal.
The last thing to note here is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (son of the late RFK) has recently publicly called out Gates for this specific scandal on his Instagram
Let's refocus here:
Who exactly IS this organization hellbent on depopulation?
For this, let's take a look back at
Buck V. Bell (1927)
Ruling: forced sterilization does not violate the constitution.
Chief Justice?
Eugenist, Skull & Bones member & past president
William H Taft
Skull & Bones? What's that?
An elite Yale secret society whose members refer to each other as "brothers under the skin" & swear an oath to support each other's careers at any cost
Membership has included many Bushes & Rockefellers
You may have seen their logo on the caps of Nazi SS
Now, why would the Nazis use that same symbol?
Mainly because the 2 organizations are 1 & the same, and they communicate using symbology.
Once again
"Hiding in plain sight"
You see, Nazism was an AMERICAN invention, and the Third Reich funded and supplied by OUR robber barons
"What??? Then what was the point of WWII, if that was true then why didn't the industrialists just take over America????"
Well, to quote Major General Smedley Butler:
"War is a racket"
As far as coup by our Nazi industrialists?
They tried & were stopped by that same general
Ok, so what EXACTLY are these guys after??
Good question, luckily we don't have to search far
In their signature fashion, they laid their goals out "hidden in plain sight" in 8 different languages
an hour from the CDC headquarters
Georgia Guidestones
Opened March 22 or
That just about wraps up part 1
Now that we've introduced just how evil these guys are,we can dismantle their deeper plots
- Operation Paperclip/American Nazis
- MKUltra
- CIA/Dulles
- 9/11
- FDA/CDC/UN/MSM Control
- Coronavirus
Get ready for
Part 2: The New World Order
Thanks for reading!
Peace, Love, Anarchy,
Whoah, talk about content. A bit too far on the conspiracy side for me but still, nice job! New juice on Bill and the rest of the 'elite' is amusing to say the least.
Superb work, thank you, I really appreciate it. Would make a great book!
Excellent work! Vital information here.