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RE: The Demasculation of Men Is Part of Satan Klaus' Great Reset

in #billgates4 years ago

Actually they have half the balls (10 years ago and probably less now)... Watch the documentary "the disappearing male" made by the CBC.


Video link appreciated. Likely deliberate, elitist way to cope with the worldwide 163 extra new consumers per minute, 9,780 per hour, 234,000+ per day. We must realize that those we view as evil often also have "good" intentions ... it is the only way to remove the scales from our eyes and see clearly. Fact: Hardly anyone talks of the population growth or the 11+ million pounds of food we eat every MINUTE. But elites wake up with THAT on their mind, surely, because if they don't stay on top of that bucking bronco they could be swamped, overwhelmed by it.

I see so you're brainwashed too and for demasculation and genocide. It's the globalists that created the consumers, people just need to go back to nature and live in harmony with nature.

Hate to break it to you but this isn't just about getting rid of 90% of the population, it's about agenda 2030 and the satanic pedovores desire to have complete control over the entire earth so that no one will live but them and the rest will be slaves to them. Just think of what a hell hole world this would be if that were to ever happen.

Back then (when they made the documentary) the average male had half the sperm of his father.