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RE: Kill Gates, Satan Klaus and Dr. Fraudci Be Dropping Bodies

in #billgates2 years ago

You should do a talk about ESG. As I said in another comment, the backing behind this is more than anyone can fathom. The time to acquire this is beyond imagination. The US National Debt is $32 Trillion. This control group has enough money to pay off that debt and still fund a millitary 10x the total funding of all millitaries in the world for nearly 20years. $55 TRILLION is what is being used to fund all of this. Let me restate that...
The ESG, the governing system behind the Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, including Global Warming, the Social Credit System, the Centralized Digital Currency, the vaccine status data system, the control over nearly every company in the world, has $55 TRILLION in Acquired Assets. I keep telling this process in the function of this directive is not in controling the population but controling the companies that control the population. Requiring vaccines so you can go to work, getting the credit card companies to track your carbon data, the institutionalizing of education, nearly all of it is under one ubrealla, the ESG.
Their legal system is every law business in the world. This is also controling the Judicial system and why it is out of control and violating the very laws it is supposed to uphold. The governments aren't just infiltrated. The opposition doesn't get funded if their candidates do not go along with the agenda. You won't work with out a chip in your hand. You won't eat the bugs, without a chip in your hand. You won't be able to go inside a building with out your chip showing your are compliant with the required vaccinations. This is how they can be very public with their plans.
They have every lawyer and every judge and every law enforcement agency in their pocket. They own the ammunition companies that provide for a vast majority of countries. Try to fight them with the military, they just stop shipping bullets, missles, missle guidance systems, military gear, all the weapons, the steel, the copper, the synthetic rubber tires, the nuts, and the bolts of everything the military needs. What number of companies need steel? Iron? copper? brass? aluminum? Not compliant as a corporation, no nuts and bolts. No wire for electronics. No rubber for tires on the car, not steel for the structures that make the buildings. no glass, anything that is needed, just one thing taken away from tha list of necessary components, your out of business.


So, what can be done? Greenwash and buy carbon credits; operate under your own corps and llcs, have good lawyers and accountants and be financially free?