What happens when you ban exchanges or ban cryptocurrency, that's okay, if your government wants to ban cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency exchanges, just be prepared for the millions and billions of dollars to leave your country and go somewhere else.
And that's exactly what Binance is doing because Binance moves to Malta as Prime Minister issues public welcome. If you are going to be banning stuff guys, companies are going to move and take all their money with them somewhere else.
This is what the CEO of Binance Zhao has to say,
I believe Malta is going to be deeply involved with the regulation of crypto in Malta, because they are such a huge exchange and they have lots of influence, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually have some say in how regulations work probably to their advantage.
When it comes to capitalism or making any type of business, you will go where your business is welcomed and it seems like Binance is going to be moving over to Malta and taking with it all of its consumers and big money making plans.
So let me know your thoughts, do you think we are going to see more exchanges all over the world?
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Great post dear @aftabkhan10
No one is letting it go but the problem is the settlement of tax and regulation issues. I hope it will be settled down soon.
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wow nice post thanks for sharing i always follow you for more good blog @aftabkhan10