Hi Doug,
Really appreciate your honesty in this one. Internet/Youtube is full of traders claiming to win 20 or 30% in just hours so it is really refreshing to hear someone else explaining the other side.
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm really confident you will overcome these losses very soon.
I would really be interested to read a blog from you about the trading lifestyle and about how it really is like. Really not buying the stories from others trading on the beach or travelling the world while doing so.
Thanks and keep these blogs coming!
I have a pile of losses to document and share yet! For the most part, I have come to accept that it's ok to be wrong when I'm trading. Now I am practicing the art of being wrong smaller.
Overall my trading is doing very well. According to CoinTracking global stats, I am in the top 16% of the most profitable traders in their membership of 320,000 users.
As for the trading lifestyle, I don't have a job and I work from home... and my family just came back from ten weeks in Brazil, where I traded via my laptop. I'll write more about my daily routine. Trading itself only takes a few minutes each day when I am doing it right.