Is binge watching bad for our health? Should we feel guilty about our viewing sessions? These are the questions that are being asked frequently on many platforms as binge- watching becomes ever more popular.
Why so much negativity?
TV viewing has been changing over the past few years: with an increase of quality drama series and the wonderful pause/play function, we are more than ever before in control of what we watch, when we watch and how. This is what binge watching means to me; the control. Being able to choose exactly what I’m in the mood for and then allowing myself to become engrossed in the adventures of fictional characters for hours on end if I so wish.
Why is there so much talk of guilt in relation the binge watching? Maybe it is because we usually think of actual harmful activities when we think of the word ‘binge’; binge-drinking, binge-eating, but no, there seems to be more to it that that. Many people claim to feel guilty because they could have been doing something else during those hours spent watching the latest series, like exercising or socialising. I just ask these people, did you do that before the boxset? Would you do that if you had a power cut? If the answer is no, then stop the guilt and just enjoy. If the answer is yes, then stop the guilt: you chose to watch a full season of The Walking Dead instead of sitting in the wine bar with your mates and that was your decision to make. Don’t feel guilty every time you find yourself enjoying something. Would finger pointing happen, or guilt felt if the craze was to curl up on the sofa for 5 hours with a leather bound tome?
I had full intentions before I started writing this, to defend the binge-watchers collectively, and shout out “hey, credit us with some common sense! We know we need to exercise, eat and pee”, but that was until I read some comments from people who were complaining about the Netflix “Are you still watching” box. A common complaint seems to be along the lines of “I actually have to move and find the remote to get this message box removed”
So I shall just say this: if that description above sounds like you; if you have become an adult and still not fully embraced the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise and bathroom visits then please do not read any more of this post. I am about to enthuse about the long form drama and I don’t wish to be anyone’s nanny.
Do you remember your first time? (No giggling at the back, please!) After managing to not see any episode of The X-Files while it was being aired (I know!) a couple of years after the series had ended (or so we thought) I purchased the entire collection on VHS tape (I know!) My memories of the enjoyment I gleaned from being able to binge-watch probably outdo those of the show itself. Again, it was the control. Yes, I had to actually stand up, walk and press an actual button to pause the show, but being able to come back to it, and then watch another, and then ok, ok just one more,…. it was great!
From here on I was spoiled. My viewing habits changed. I no longer wanted to wait a week between episodes of anything! I will go as far as to say that my personal experience of binge-watching actually contradicts the fears expressed by professionals concerned about us. I no longer felt tied to a routine, avoiding social events that clashed with a favourite show. I could now do both. I no longer missed the good weather days/evenings, I could make hay while sun shone (literally) and binge-watch in a cosy room while the rain beat against the window. No guilt.
Business Insider UK list the 20 most popular TV shows of 2016; a great reference if you are searching for your next fix.
Top 5 in this list are:
Game of Thrones
The Walking Dead
Pretty Little Liars
The Flash
My personal list of binge-favourites would have to include
Orphan Black
My list will grow, yet I will continue to apply common sense to my days. I shall feel no guilt.
To be continued...
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Netflix does a guilt thing and says something like "are you still watching .......?" I sense there is a "still" hidden in there somewhere. I get more guilt binge it might say... you have been playing this game a total of 150 hours!
150 hours!!!
I could have learnt a language, coding, a musical instrument!
But I like binging on TV. Immersing ourselves in top quality TV or even trashy escapism! As you say... there is a balance.
I completely agree!! Amazon Prime, podcasts and these commercial free binge sessions have ruined my senses when it comes to waiting for mail and dealing with commercials. This past year I realized, I can no longer watch any shows that have commercials between the segments without growing impatient. I also realized how the commercials ruin the flow of the episodes and remove you from getting immersed in the content provided.
Yes, immersing ourselves in a wonderful story is what it's all about - nothing worse than being told to buy washing powder while your head is still in another world :)