What a true man of vision! Isn't it something that he could describe what has come about today so clearly way back then! He has an uncanny ability to look into the future!
What a shame that it couldn't have been men like Tesla who ruled and had the power - just imagine what our world could have been like!
This story of Telsa's futuristic vision brings up a story of when I went to Disneyland as a young girl, some 50 + years ago, and i went to the futuristic pavilion. There they were showing folks having the ability to be able to see the people they were talking too! I was blown away! You see i came from the era of party lines and rotary dial phones, so this was really fascinating and now it is common place!
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Well said, he envisioned the cell phone 100 years ago or so, truly amazing man.
One really gets a perspective of history as one ages and has more to look back on and compare with.
Ya, I was thinking I should start writing my memoirs for I'm realizing that I've lived through a number of different eras and to have them recorded even if just for my granddaughter.