How Masturbation affects your Confidence

in #biology8 years ago (edited)

Masturbation is very, very common. It is estimated that above 90% of Men, over the age of 30, have tried it at least once. In most cases, especially with men, porn is used to help the user climax, and on average, one masturbates 3-4 times a week. Did you know that masturbation, especially with the use of porn may be detrimental to your mental wellbeing and social confidence?

Masturbation and Self Confidence

Masturbation may seem like an innocent act to release sexual tension. While that may be true, it has a negative effect on your brain which consequently affects your day to day behaviour. To explain this further we must grasp what exactly emotion is.

What are Emotions?

Emotions are chemical reactions that occur in our brain [1]. There are specific chemicals called Neurotransmitters, that cause you to feel a certain emotion. For example, Dopamine is the feel good chemical and Cortisol is the stress chemical. A lot of Dopamine and you feel good, likewise with Cortisol; a lot of that, and you feel stressed out.


As mentioned above, Dopamine is the chemical that allows us to feel good. It also helps us feel a sense of reward. Studies show, that there is a correlation between low Dopamine levels and social anxiety, depression and low self-esteem [2].

How Masturbation affects the brain

When you masturbate and reach orgasm, a cocktail of chemicals flush around your body, and brain. The chemical we are most interested in is Dopamine. Here is the important bit; when you reach orgasm, you receive a large, but short burst of Dopamine, consequently, making you feel great. In fact, you get an even larger short and large burst of this Dopamine if you watch porn, whilst masturbating. Over time, your brain gets used to receiving this large Dopamine fix, so eventually, you become de-sensitised to the small pleasures in life, including being social.

What does this mean?

Since you become de-sensitised to smaller fixes of Dopamine from these ‘small pleasures’; effectively, you become bored at times you are supposed to feel good. As a result, you become less and less interested, as well as becoming a Dopamine ‘fiend’. It gets to a point where the only way you can get this large fix of Dopamine, is through masturbation.

Joining the dots

Remember when I said there is a correlation between low Dopamine levels and social anxiety, depression and low self-esteem? Well, since you are de-sensitised to the Dopamine received from day to day pleasures, it is almost like you are not receiving any Dopamine. This is where you start exhibiting behaviours such as social anxiety and depression [3].

What can you do to help yourself out?

NoFap is a very large and supportive community on Reddit, that spreads the word of the dangers of masturbation, particularly in those who are addicted. NoFap does what it says on the tin. Rebooting is the term they use for when you successfully reboot your mind, by staying away from porn and masturbation; just like when your computer restores its speed when you turn it off and back on. Confidence is not the only benefit you notice; in fact, click here for a list of what to expect if you choose to participate!

I’m back!

Believe it or not, it is because of you guys I have been inactive. Due to all the positivity I have been receiving through your comments and through DM on chat, I have decided to take my brand ‘Mystifact’ to the next level. As a result, I have started my own business from it and have been working on it for a month now. I would like to thank you all for your amazing support; it has helped me go far! Details will be released when the time is right. For the time being, give yourselves a pat on the back! I am now back on Steemit, stay tuned!

If you have any questions, leave them below and until next time, take care.

~ Mystifact


[3]: [1]:

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very very true...great article....

Appreciate it :)

I wish this wasn't such an awkward topic to talk about, I know a few people who would greatly benefit from NoFap.

It doesn't have to be awkward! Just suggest they look into NoFap, or... send them this article maybe ;)

"Emotions are chemical reactions that occur in our brain"

then why should I care either way lol

Very philosophical comment ;)

the answer: I should only care if its what I want to do

Each to their own :)

Fap is good, noFap is good. Winning!

I don't know about you but I prefer NoFap!

Prefer yes, out of options... why not!

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I accept! Thank you.

I like this article but I have a problem with the references :/ The first is written by "a sophomore student" and the other two are dating sites selling dating books and other BS.. Can we maybe get something better ? ^_^ :*

Thank you :) On that note, I struggled particularly with this article to find better references. It took me extra long to do my research, and due to how repetitive the content in them were, I decided to use the ones above.

I would have to disagree on this to a level as an I know for a fact that addiction is caused by lack of knowledge and that it can be stopped with will power and nothing else. Plus you are taking something like this and calling it dangerous, it in of its self is no danger to anyone, and it is the human and their lack of knowledge that makes them a danger to themselves. If the truth matters then ones input into this should also matter as I know that I have no addictions to anything, not one thing. Life and what we think about and how we have been taught to think about things has been highly manipulated, I have lots of self confidence, and when I didn't and had low self esteem, it was from what other humans were doing. We humans are a danger and until ones change their perspective which means throwing out the one currently held, you will not be able to feel why I say what I have said.