we are on average 65% water; but if this is a concern to you, you can lower it to 45% by becoming very obese.
If i remember correctly from my biochemestry years, for ea fat molecule we make we use 1 molecule of water, but don't quote me on that, we could also use some creatine to increase the water retation on the muscle tissue
How it happened, no one knows, but I allow my sexual imagination to run wild.
Couldn't they have just ate the chimpaze infected with HIV and for some chance they had a injury in their mouth? Or maybe they got bitten by the chimpanzee, why does it always have to go to sex xD
cavorting with Neanderthals.
This was actually great for us, it increased our genetic pool by a lot and made us able to better survive in the harsh climate from that age
I've actually just learned a little about this in microbiology 2, we are learning how to sequence genes after doing PCR to increase the speed of detection of a bacteria, i think i used a program called blast and used fasta maybe... i really need to learn how to work with that, it was so confusing!! I don't blame the teacher, she had 1 class to explain to us how the program worked...
I really enjoyed the read, it's a topic i like very much! all that cisgender stuff really confuses me though, i hate putting labels on stuff, cisgender, transgender, non-cis-gender, i don't even know anymore, i'm just a human being walking this world with other human being trying to make the world a better place one post at a time!