Hey there, bird, you really have flown to a lot of fascinating places, haven't you?
The Schizomid is so interesting.
Their world and how they perceive it is so utterly different
This makes me think of the part in The Blind Watchmaker where Dawkins talks about the gradual evolution of the eye and how it's proof against the "intelligent design" theory - there are so many different ways of surviving in the world that it's impossible to imagine what life is like for these creatures. But adaptations don't have to be completely revolutionary to be useful.
Of course the dancing caterpillar reminded me of the Woodcock. It's not an insect but maybe still worth a chuckle:
There have to be some upsides to being a poorly paid scientist 😉
Well, there are lots of poorly paying jobs. Might as well have a fun one!
My sentiments exactly ;)