Hi all!
My first post on Hive Blog. I think. Usually I use Peakd.com for my posts but decided to give Hive Blog a try.
I am an RCA. That stands for Rural Carrier Associate which is a non-full-time letter carrier. I say non-full-time instead of part-time because it's possible to work more than 40 hours as an RCA. Anyway, that's not what you're here for, is it? Just laying some ground work.
I work a specific route on Saturdays. In the summer one of the mailboxes had a birds nest in it and I wanted to share with you the pictures I took. I took 1 every week. until finally they were gone. :'( My poor babies they grew up so fast.

Here's week one.
I desperately wanted to reach in and pet them but I was worried the mother would fly away and not come back.

Week two.
The momma went out to find some food. The chirping was actually fairly cute but after a while it got annoying lol. I tried to take a picture with the mom there but she literally flew out to get food as I was taking the picture. I guess come hell or highwater those babies gotta eat.

Week three.
Just noticed the egg piece there in the first picture. Neat! lol 4 cute fluffy bird babies. I didn't see momma bird this time. I guess she was already out and about. I thought about bringing some Nightcrawlers for them for the next week but I kept thinking about how it might make life harder for them because they'll be dependent or something whatever they used to teach us in grade school about not helping babies break out of their eggshells.

Week four.
I knew this would be the last time I got to see them. :'( I so desperately wanted to reach in and get them some soft pets and wish them well. Until I noticed they haven't left that nest ever and they have to be pooping somewhere. Then I thought better of it. So instead and nice distant waive and a goodluck.

My little babies are off on their own doing their own thing. And I wish them well and long happy and fruitful lives. Sigh, they just grow up so fast. Be safe my little friends!