With a Little Help From Humans, the Caribbean's Birds Are Attempting a Post-Hurricane Comeback

in #birds7 years ago

2017 has been a highly stressful Atlantic hurricane season for the Caribbean. Enduring the storms themselves, however, was only the beginning. The road to recovery is often painfully slow, a process that has been as tough for not only residents, but also the region's hugely diverse bird population.

There are over 500 species of bird in the Caribbean, including over 100 species that live on only one island. The hurricanes destroyed the birds’ habitats, making food more difficult to find.

And many of the local humans who normally would work to protect them, such as conservationists and scientists, lost valuable equipment as well as the roofs off their homes. Numerous challenges remain, especially on the islands of Dominica, Barbuda and Puerto Rico.


Because of human activities like dumping industrial wastes, increasing global warming etc., not only the above mentioned birds but also a large variety of animals, birds, insects were extincted and many more are at the edge of extinction by losing their habitation. Governments should take mandatory steps to avoid activities which harm our environment for greater good of our future.