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RE: The birthing of new life...

in #birth7 years ago (edited)

Thanks so much lovely!
Levana לָבָנה Penina פְּנִינָּה

Yes, for those that may read this, but don’t know Hebrew, “Levana” means “Moon” or “White”.
Her middle name is “Penina” which means Pearl. In kabbalah, Penina is related to the word penimi, meaning "inner," alluding to inner depth and purity – just as a pure pearl is produced internally.

I don’t know if Levana means anything else in any other language, but strangely enough, Penina is also a Pacific Islander name that also means Pearl. How amazing that two cultures on opposite sides of the globe have the same name with the same meaning!?
It lends itself to the esoteric legend about King David sending out a couple of ships to explore the world and one of them apparently (according to local aboriginal tribes in this area) ended up in Australia.


woah pretty cool! i'm impress with your knowledge of Hebrew! To say it grammatically correctly,, it would be Pnina first and then Levana (as in hebrew the noun comes before the adjective). But Levana first sounds so beautiful, i'm sure she will love her name!
Also you right, i dont think there are other interpretations for Levana other than "white" and "Moon". And the story about where pnina comes from is really interesting!!! never head that before! <3

Yes, I knew that the order should be the other way around (most languages other than English tend to place the subject before the adjective - isn’t English strange that it flips it the other way around?), but feeling into it with mama, it just felt better to begin with Levana. Our hearts know the meaning.
Yeah, the meaning of Penina in two completely different cultures so far flung from each other is bizarre, yet fascinating, right?