Embrace The Animal Inside Of You!

in #birth7 years ago (edited)

One of the great things about Steemit, is that once you know where to look, you get to find so much inspiring content, which is being posted everyday. We get to read posts that inform us, motivate us and empower us. I have been active on here for 10 month now and I have been writing almost everyday, which also means that I get to check out what some of my favourite people have been writing about. I get to engage with them, explore their content with them, explore what that content brings up for me. I get to connect with all these amazing people and see the world through their eyes.

his journey on becoming a Vegan, after reading this great post and getting an insight into his life and beliefs, it inspired me to leave a comment. In a nutshell, the comment was about how so many people have a huge problem in identifying and seeing themselves as animals. That to even consider such a thing is seen as a huge insult.A couple of days ago I read @kennyskitchen post about

Because in their eyes, animals are beneath them and they were put on this planet for them to use as they see fit. Humans are clearly the more intelligent species, so of course they should be the ones at the top of the food chain, the ones who are in control. That would make the most sense to any logical thinking person. Right? I get to experience this way of thinking almost daily, I see in the way that some treat animals, in the way that they treat our natural environment. This way of thinking is a great excuse to abuse, torture and destroy nature and all her 'Animals' and not feel any remorse or guilt. Because hey, it's all here for us to use and abuse, isn't it?

But this ignorance that some live with, is so damaging. We can clearly see how damaging it is for nature and her inhabitants, but it is also really damaging for the people who believe this nonsense. There is a lot to gain in leading people away from their natural self, for one it is a great way to disempower and exhort control. One place where this has been really successful is during birth. This sacred act, which women can do, which their bodies were made for is now been controlled by the Obstetrics profession. How quickly we have forgotten that all women birthed outside of hospitals and all women birthed either while squatting or standing up, this only changed just so some King got see what the sex of his child was and having a women on her back on a bed was the easiest way for him to do so. This is carried forward into to hospitals, where women are placed on beds because this position makes it easier for the Doctor. Certainly not for the mother, who now will experience intense pain, intense contractions because she is forced to work against her body, forced to work against the natural shape of her body.

When a women is pregnant and especially towards the end of her pregnancy she goes through a nesting stage, this is seen as a desire to create a space in your home where your baby will be put to sleep, a nursery or the like, what it really is though, is a natural instinct to find somewhere safe and secure to bring your baby into the world. This is exactly what other animals do, they spend weeks prior to the birth finding a suitable space, but with us humans this is labelled as nesting, It is far removed from the natural instinct that drives us to find a safe birthing space. Instead it has been seen as an opportunity for marketing teams to throw out new ideas on items to sell parents, to sell the perfect gadget for your baby, the perfect crib.

So this natural mothering/birthing instinct has now been manipulated in such a huge way that instead of securing a safe birth space we are creating rooms to desert babies in once they are born. Where so many believe allowing that baby to cry themselves to sleep is healthy and character building. Ahhhhh.............Who is the more intelligent species now?

But even before that, there are the many interventions during the pregnancy, that totally wipe out the need for the mother and baby to bond whilst still in the womb, because now we can rely and depend on others to tell us if something is wrong with the child we are carrying inside of us. Really I think we need to read that sentence again, because that makes no f ing sense to me, why did we allow ourselves to get to this point, but more importantly why is it so accepted.

This is so wrong on so many levels, yet so many see no problem with it. Instead they like to talk about how the advances in medicine have saved lives and can now detect any complications and so on and so on. In one sense this is true, but on another these interventions are happening far too regularly and are actually quiet stressful and the last thing you need to do is stress mama's out. And then there are the long term affects of using scans. I will not go into that again as I have already written quite a lot on it, but when you are heating up your baby and projecting huge sound waves onto them just so you get to see them inutero you got the question the long term effects, especially since these scans have not been around long enough to really grasp the effects and especially since women are having them more frequently.

Ah but to give over to your natural animalistic side and embrace all that comes with it. To tune into your body, to tune into the baby within you, to be able to tell if something is wrong. To bond and feel connected to this little being with no intrusive interventions.

To actually shut off your neo cortex brain and allow your primal brain to birth your baby. To embrace the animal inside of you and trust that this is the self that brings more intuitive healing . We are rarely allowed to do this, because we are not given the opportunity to work with it, instead in hospitals women are birthing mostly in fight of flight mode and experience alot of pain, their neo cortex brain is in charge. However, If it was the primal brain we would be somewhere safe and secure, somewhere that we would feel nurtured, where that is, is up to the woman to decide, but then we would have a completely different birth experience. I say this because it is what I have experienced, I have had both types of births, but it was in embracing my animal, primal self that I birthed my daughter unassisted, it was that experience that empowered me and it is for that reason that we must never forget who we are and what we are capable of.

Writing this post has brought up alot for me, and it has made me think about all the other ways, that this move away from our natural, intuitive self has impacted on our lives. But today it was about birth, but in the future I will explore other ways in which our lives would greatly improve if we would just embrace the animal inside of us.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



From the roots of scientific we go to the isoteric roots

indeed @gor671 thanks for dropping by.

It's stirred up a lot for me too! Crazy - someone I know had a 4D scan not once, not twice, but three times....and then went into premature labour! Hmmm, go figure hey? Too much intervention and too much taking the womans true power and beliefs that they are strong and able!

Sing it sister, that is exactly what is happening. We must make a time to get together and do our collaboration xxxx

We must!! It's probably gonna have to wait till we move back to Pago beginning of Sept, we will be closer to you then - walking distance!! Can't wait to connect and make the co-lab. Hope you're ok. Sending lots of love xxx

Your natural birthing posts are so passionate. No way could I lay down when I gave birth... no way!! And boy did I embrace my animal. - @riverflows

This is so true, @trucklife-family. We have been brainwashed into thinking we need all this scientific intervention. All we need to do is return to our roots, to our basic instincts. We have proved that here time and again at our compound. Our little mama who had two previous C-sections and was booked for her third ended up delivering a healthy, happy baby her in the compound surrounded by the love and support of her family. The more they see that they don't need everything that they have been told, the happier and healthier they are.

very well said @cecicastor, we are so capable of healing ourselves and so capable of birthing our babies, hopefully we are returning to this wisdom we hold inside xx

Thanks for sharing your birthing story and clearing up this need we have been conditioned to for scientific interventions. I believe strongly in following your natural intuitive self and it has helped me through many of my healing journey.

Yes, people really do consider it an insult to be called an animal. But we are mammals. They remember that from elementary school. By what logic can we be mammals but not animals? Of course "human" is a species of animal.

There is just so much pretending that goes on in this world. Ethnobotanists like to list the differences between humans and other animals, and they always say "more intelligent and thus able to make better tools, have more elaborate language, etc." but really it's that we have the ability to make shit up then act as if it's real. Now sometimes that serves us. It is what is behind our technological innovation and artistry. But it also makes us live like lunatics.

so true @indigoocean, there has been a huge push for everyone to distance themselves from their wild side and it is within there that we hold our connection ad wisdom. It is coming back though, we are awakening xxx