Little girl grows up too fast! Hannah turned 100-day old! Too bad her godfather fell sick and we had to call the celebration off. I can only blame him.
But seriously, how time has flown by! It feels like yesterday she came into this world, holding her first time in my arms but now?! I heard from momma @silviagoh she's able to sit straight without support now! In fact I just saw her last week, this is too fast! Too fast! I can't take this...
Looking forward to Friday to see her and celebrate her life. Still in awe that I'm a godmother to this beautiful girl. Please God slow down the time!!! I don't want her to grow fast and not gonna lie, I dowanna grow old.
Baby girl, Godmama will be praying for you to be a woman of God and the brightest star in this universe. Godmama loves you!

Happy 100th day little Hannah! nice name