93 today.
I admit to mixed feelings about it. Good in the sense of looking back and being grateful for the many good things I’ve been lucky to be blessed with.
Where I was born for instance. That it is a lottery is brought to prominence every day, by news of the shocking living conditions that people in various parts of the world must endure, through events they have no control over or influence.
From the war zones of Syria to the countries experiencing droughts and floods, causing homelessness, misery and despair to thousands. Their distress must be further heightened now by instant worldwide news showing the better living contrasts elsewhere, and must cause thoughts and feelings of ‘Why Us’?
It really is an unfair world, so I count my blessings.
Today there will be family visits, and a drink or three.
Here’s today’s funny birthday card from my great grandchildren. They call me Grog Grog because that is how they pronounced grandad.
The time I realised, that of my ‘wine women and song' days, one of them was over!
You have just proven that age is only a number. Thst card from your grandkids is classic!
Posted using Partiko Android
Many thanks dmwh. My great grandkids are thrilled that you liked their card.Cheeky blighters!
Oh man...my hero! You are just the breath of fresh air I needed today! I wish you the best of days today <3 <3
Thank you tamaralovelace.My family were thrilled whith your uplifting comment.Me too!
Happy birthday. 93 is still a good age and you seem to still be enjoying life. I wish you many more years of 'silver surfing'.
Thank you steevc. It's been a great day.I'll top it off with a tot of whisky about 9 o.clock.Can't be bad.
Happy Birthday!!! I'm sure it will be a fun day with the family, and drinks are always nice. Great to see you still posting here. The cartoon is funny! I wish you many more happy birthdays!
Yes, it has been fun all day kenny.Thank you for your good wishes.I hope to go on posting as long as I feel motivated.Keeping awake is a challenge.I have only to sit in ny easy chair and I tend to doze.It's nature's circle of life.
Happy birthday!
Thank you cadawg. Best wishes.
wow!! Are you the oldest Steemian? What a world of experience you must have. Happy birthday.
Thank you adetorrent.I think I may be the oldest on Steemit.It has been questioned before, and no one,as far as I know,has said otherwise.Happy Days!
Very nice
Thank you darmianto5. Yes it is very nice being a good age and importantly able to enjoy it.Cheers.
Ok friends
Happy birthday, a long life, a lot of views, and a lot of memories. Good to see your Grand Kids understand that you can still laugh at silly little things.
Thank you bashadow.Yes, we are all laughers in our family. A lot of it at each other.Which is how it should be.
Happy birthday from another UK steemian.
Good to meet you and enjoy the day.
Thank you pennsif. Good to hear from you too,and from the UK as well.Let's hope we can get this election out of the way and put our energies to more positive use.
Sooo, you took a lesson from that card, your grandchildren gave you? :) Little bit late, but Happy birthday from me also