in #birthday β€’ 3 years ago


When I asked Evan what he was wanting to do for his birthday....the response was GO BOWLING! So, I rented out the local bowling place to host his birthday extravaganza.


Renting it included free bowling for us and free drinks. We bought a couple pizzas for the few people who were hungry(us included😁) and we all got our bowling shoes and prepared for some competition!!


Anyone curious as to what this birthday boy looks like after bowling a strike? If so, you're in luck, because I happened to catch it on camera when it happened!!😁

*...the release.😬😬

*The spin around look to see if anyone saw what he just did...

*...and of course, some celebration moves!!😁😁


Everyone gathered around and we served cake and ice cream. It was a half chocolate, half vanilla cake and Neapolitan ice cream...and it was delicious! After that Evan opened his presents. He has become very interested in trading digital assets and commodities, including NFTs, so all he asked everyone for was money.😁😁 We even got him a couple of digital wallets set up for him to hold his assets in. As of right now, he's up about 10 percent in his intial investments!!!πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ WAY TO GO BUBBA!!! All that being said, he did get some actual presents. He received a new phone, a Samsung A21, some accessories for his phone, clothes, and he will also be getting a halogram lamp too!!

*πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠBlowing out the candles and birthday wishes!πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

*Some much needed clothing...this kid grows like a weed, and clothes don't last long.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Evan, I love you so much. Everyday you amaze me with your sweet nature, caring and sense of compassion for others, and how amazingly smart and mature you are. You are the best kid I know and absolutely the most sincere young man. I'm so extremely proud of you and the gentleman your becoming. Always remember how much I love you and that no matter what I'll always stand by your side. Even if your in the wrong, I'll be there for you, to help guide you and get you back on the better path and to give you my love and support. Also, keep in mind...YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES. All that matters when that happens, is that you are truthful about your mistake and own it, then do whatever it takes to fix it to the absolute best of your ability. Love and respect everyone and everything bubba....All life, and our beautiful planet. Treat all as equal and never hesitate to step up and defend and protect those who can't do it for themselves. It is our responsibility and duty to protect those who can't defend themselves. Always hold women and children on the highest pedestal. You know what this means, and I have no doubts you will honor it for your whole life. I look forward to the future and seeing how incredible of a man you will become and it fills my heart with so much happiness and fulfillment. Thank you Evan for being you, and for all that you are. You're the only one who can be you, and you do it better then anyone else, be proud of who you are and always let it shine!!!

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No wonder he didn't say "hello" to me after Sept 28th, you're having a good time without ME! LOL... I need to send Evan's B-Gift later, Just need to ask for his crypto wallet though. Happy Birthday Evan and Thank You @johndoer123 for having this lovely and handsome boy growing better and better each day. Best Wishes to both of you, Luv Ya!!

What a lovely message for Evan to read in the future!

Thanks dear friend! I sprinkle them in here and there for all my kids. How you doing with the rough patch you were in? I hope things are better. I have a hard time keeping up anymore. The home front keeps me so busy, and there's no service there.😁 I sincerely wish you and your loved ones the absolute best and send all my best vibrations your way.πŸ€—πŸ€—

Awesome birthday for himπŸ‘

I think he would agree with that as well.😁