If you asked me 2 months ago what will you do on your birthday, one thing i would not answer for sure is that I'll be writing a blog on Steemit. But here I am and this is my reality from now on. I will spend time on steemit to read, to write, to have fun, and to earn money if possible.
Next step in human evolution is now, thank you mr. Ned and Dan for making this a reality.
Even though it is my birthday i won't celebarate it as much as I will celebrate steemit and our community of different but the same people. We have something special in our hands and we should all together work to make it better.
But back to my birthday, 32 is still young and if i end up living to 80, that's a lot of years of steemin, right? Who knows what i will be writing about when I'm 60, about gardening tomatoes, or my trips to mars perhaps?
I will try to spend this day around friends and family and eat a lot of prosciutto and cheese, drink some home made vine and upvote and comment here on steemit.
happy Birthday
happy birthday man
Tnx bro!
smaaaaarrrrties . dam you one lucky guy happy birthday
Smartieees to all! Tnx :)
best stuff man has ever created
Happy birthday. Hope this is an amazing year for you.
Tnx so much.