Now where would we be without five years of Snook on the blockchain?
We'd not know that #snookmademedoit was a real thing, even though you deny it.
We'd not have had a Pants Are Optionsal podcast where you took people down some strange paths.
We'd not have had 30 minute 'interviews' that turned into 3 hour parties.
We'd not have had whatchamacallit, thingamaji and doohickey as normal parts of conversations
We'd not have had the debate between crick and creek
We'd not have had those mysterious DM's with directions to do offbeat things without explanation
We'd not have been able to watch you teach yourself to draw/water paint
We'd not have had your creative storytelling
Most of all we'd not have had Snook
Congrats and here's to 5 more.
Thank You, Shadows, for being a huge part of my 5 years here!!! It would not have been the same with out your friendship and all that went with being your friend.
I will be here in 5 more years along with you and then we will have
a party....... a short interview the likes never seen before. That I promise you and the gnomes and cats. :DYour comment made me grin and laugh today and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My work is successful... getting Snook to smile or laugh at my comments. I thought you might have one or two, even on a day like today.
I did