Hi steemit friends, maybe you do not think this is important to you guys but this is important to me. On this day I want to celebrate my birthday in steemit because other social media, I just get the words just, not like in steemit that maybe I will get some vote as my birthday gift.
On my previous birthday, I did not get a word from anyone even from my friends because I was not important. I want to be important to others, but it's not easy, I'm sure I have to go through difficult things and give something valuable to others to be important.
I really hope this birthday will be different from my previous birthday.
Hi teman steemit, mungkin kalian tidak menganggap ini penting bagi kalian tapi ini penting bagi saya. Pada hari ini saya ingin merayakan ulang tahunku di steemit karena dimedia sosial lain, saya hanya sekedar mendapatkan ucapan saja, tidak seperti di steemit yang mungkin saya akan mendapatkan sejumlah vote sebagai hadiah ulang tahun saya.
Pada ulang tahunku sebelumnya, saya tidak mendapatkan ucapan dari siapapun bahkan dari teman-temanku karena saya bukanlah orang yang penting. Saya ingin menjadi penting bagi orang lain, tapi itu tidak mudah, saya yakin saya harus menjalani hal sulit dan memberikan sesuatu yang berharga kepada orang lain agar saya dianggap penting.
Saya sangat berharap pada ulang tahunku ini akan berbeda dengan ulang tahunku sebelumnya.
I noticed you have posted many times since you began your journey on Steemit. That is great! We love active partipants.
I do want to point out that the Introduceyourself tag is meant to be used once only to introduce yourself to the Steemit community. You have now posted 8 times using the introduceyourself tag. Please see this link for more information on Tag Spam?
Please take this into consideration and help build a great platform!
Hello @zakir43!
Thank you to your information. That is make me feel save to use tags.
Welcome to Steemit @zakir43 :)
Happy Birthday :D
Welcome to Steemit zakir43. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)
Welcome Zakir!
Happy birth day buddy!
your important im sure of it!
how do you plan to celebrate your birthday?