Speaking at the Hayek Institute in Vienna

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

This Wednesday I had the honour to present my new book at the Hayek Institute in Vienna. Nobel prize winner Friedrich August von Hayek was probably the most popular and influential thinker of the Austrian School of Economics. He suggested the free competition of currencies that we have today back in 1976.

I am very glad that I had the chance to talk at the institute that bears his name and maintains his heritage, even in his home town Vienna. Thanks to Markus Milacek and Kryptocoins Austria and the lovely team of the Hayek Institute for making this happen!

Markus Milacek praising my book on Bitcoin and Austrian Economics

Crypto money is a hot topic, so it was no suprise that the room was packed. The Hayek institute even had to use the rooms of an art gallery in the same building, as their own space was too small. The crowd was quite mixed: young crypto enthusiasts in jeans and t-shirts as well as elderly, well-dressed ladies and gentlemen.

Thomas Bachheimer, the European president of the Gold Standard Institute, interviewed me and moderated the questions of the audience. He runs an interesting blog which not only covers gold and silver, but also cryptocurrencies. He told me that the world president of his insitute, a gentleman in his 80s, had already recommended him to have a closer look at Bitcoin back in 2011. So it's not true that gold bugs or people above a certain age do not recognise the potential of digital money.

I like the interview format a lot, it was much more lively and interesting than a standard talk. We had some vivid discussions with members of the audience who were very critical of Bitcoin. These are the discussions I like the most! One gentleman complained that I was quite polemic, which is true. I think you need to provoke the audience to trigger a good discussion. So I do not regret that I called the Euro a "scam coin", the government a "gang of robbers" (quoting Saint Augustine) and Angela Merkel "unsere geliebte Führerin" (our beloved supreme leader).

Having fun with Thomas Bachheimer

After the discussion many people went to a nearby restaurant and I learned many new things that are happening in the crypto space in Austria. The next day I visited the House of Nakamoto, the world's first shop entirely dedicated to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, where you can buy and sell Bitcoins via an ATM, as well as books, t-shirts and other crypto merchandise.

Magdalena Isbrandt, the head of the House of Nakamoto

Vienna, the cradle of Austrian Economics, is a beautiful city and definitely worth a trip. I am looking forward to my next visit to the city where Carl Menger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek made their important contributions to modern economics.

Thanks to Victoria Schmid (Hayek-Institute) and Andreas Jakl for the pictures.


Good to see that your booktour is going well!

Possibly, your last post was in German - a logical conclusion, instead of a wild guess.
Never knew about Hayek. I will google now.
Thank you!

it was a pleasure to join the event, good job aaron!
it was very exiting and very funny too

This is so nice! How was Vienna?

very nice post thanks sir

You are welcome

You are really great.tnx for share.
Pls give an upvote https://steemit.com/science/@masudrana/if-you-want-to-increase-the-size-of-your-iot-keep-thinking i have upvoted and followed you.tnx

Great post @aaronkoenig, I will wait for the next one.

Well that's was awesome.

it's amazing that you have served the bitcoin calm at the Hayek Institute in Vienna

Thanks for sharing. I have never been to Vienna. I hope you can enjoy it!

Good wishes for the release of your book..people are so much interested in bitcoin and crypto that they are eager to attend the discussions where they could learn more and more..thanks for sharing .

where can we get a book that talks about bitcoin and australian economy?
because menut I was an interesting thing and surely many people who want to read it including me who live in Aceh (Indonesia) please be given the answer because I am very curious about the book.
thank you very much

Hi Khalil,

you get it here, mate:


Hope you're not disappointed that it's about Austrian, not Australian Economy.

It so interesting that crypto appeals to the Austrian Schoolers. I really like both and I will check out your book. The idea of a "crypto standard" as a alternative to modern monetary philosophy is a very powerful idea. In many ways modern monetary theory is philosophy masquerading as science, a "crypto standard" would actually bring that philosophy closer to real science. Thanks for posting.

wow, talking to all those peple looks intense. have a good tour!

I would have loved to have been in the audience to hear the Q and A. I will have to check out your book. Have you presented this article to www.lewrockwell.com for potential inclusion in there daily blog? Definitely following!

OK, so I'll have to settle for your first book as my German is limited to "Es tut mir leid!" and "Zwiebelkopf".

We are negotiating with some interesting partners about translated versions.

OK, I took the liberty of sending an email to Lew directly the following is what I sent;

Hello Lew,

Just a quick note to inform you of an author that recently presented his new book on Cyrptocurrency in Vienna.
I am not affiliated with the author in any way, other than we share a common interest of Austrian Economics and
limited/decentralized government.

If you get the time please check it out and consider it noteworthy for inclusion on your site.

I mentioned to the author in the comment section of his post that he should contact you directly.


Have a Groovy Day!

Rick Grote
@sighmanjestah on Steemit


Thanks, that's great! "Zwiebelkopf" literally means "onion head" - I have never heard that expression.

Nice post!!! We liked

Thanks for committing yourself to imparting knowledge in this generation.... Great

Very nice information, i'm look forward to linz on 29th september event: Blockchain Now !!

Very informative post. Thank you.

Impressive @aaronkoeing , Best Of Luck , upvoted & resteemd it.

Incredible :) Nice pictures.
When do you visit London with the book?

Was nice to see you in beautiful Vienna :)

Best wishes, Sigi

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment