I usually don't vote on my own comments, but doing it now just cause he flagged it.
lol, the way you're behaving towards flags @haejin. Really childish. You'd think someone as successful of a trader as you wouldn't care and be happy with the rewards you do get from our platform. I'd recommend you read how the Steem platform works.
For example, I voted on your posts in the beginning cause I saw value in them and they were underrewarded, now I don't anymore cause I believe they are getting a lot of rewards. Some others are using their limited daily voting power to lower the rewards even more cause they believe they are getting too much and taking too much rewards from the rest of users who all share the daily reward pool. Yes, it's costing them to flag you which means they care for the well being of the platform.
Please try and look at it from a community perspective instead of pure greed.
@acidyo Well said. If we don't treat steemit with respect we will destroy it. Some users just LOVE steemit. It's not only about the money to everyone. That's why some of them use their own SP to flag stuff, because they love the platform and want to protect it. Making money is good ,but there's more than that to steemit and there are users who prefer to earn a little less and share more with users who will actually build steemit.
So it's ok to rob someone to ensure you make the same you did last week?
Even though that person did the work? Your a sick cult minded zombie.
Your not respecting a platform, your robbing from others and helping bullies.
So wait..bernie is making tons of money..so we feel that is unfair..so we wan't to flag him to bring the pool more on an even keel..sounds fair????
Yes. Absolutely. It has already happened in the past. How do you think he got that rep? It ain't from upvotes.
Lol lets just flag him! He made 300 dollars on a stupid CryptoKittie worth prob 15 dollars! I disagree about the value of that post and the underlying "lottery" scam!
I guess we can all just start flagging everything we don`t "understand"!
Totally agree. I have huge respect for Haejin but recently he's been quite childish. I doubt he really needs the rewards (assuming he is a successful trader). He uploads almost identical content on youtube as well and probably gets paid there as well. I'm starting to believe he broadened his platform just for greed :/ (sad if true) I understand Haejin's EW analysis can be very useful but his content is relatively simple and easy to make, whereas there are other content creators who put much more effort and get far less.
I think the whole rewards based on upvotes system is based on the idea that authors who create "good" content get paid not authors who put a lot of effort in as u just said, why should somebody get well paid for putting a lot of effort nobody likes?? Downvoting shouldnt be used in my opinion because you dont agree or are jealous how much the author was paid but for situations when the content was inapropriate or offensive or the likes.
If it is so easy to make then why don´t all TAs have 7000+ followers?? Because it is not easy!
Any way, I think we should stop flagging eachother in the comment sections, you have the right to your opinion and interpretation of the situation. @haejins posts are based on many years experience, and his experience is making people money, and him money on Steemit.
This is what happens when you're a communist. You get jealous of what others have. Haejin's content is used to help others, not gain fame. He wants influence so he can help more people not get rekt. Who the fuck are you to say he's "made enough". Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. You're like that guy who compares the United States to other countries and complains that we aren't more like them. You're a retard. Get out of my country and off my internet.
You speak of his greed but it is yours that shows. Join many witch hunts and lynchings as a kid?
Do you actually read what you guys are saying...i must have been raised on mars and went to school were aliens taught me the basics of capitalism 101...you need to talk to the devs if you feel it's unfair..all he is doing is posting very effective technical analysis....i don't get it
It isn't quite capitalism though. If you were giving your own money each time you voted, that would be capitalism and that would be perfectly acceptable. In our situation, we have been chosen to give away someone else's money as a community. As part of that privilege, we must also fulfill a responsibility to choose how those funds are expended. We all have some say in that and part of that is choosing whether to add, subtract, or ignore a post. We can do all of those.
Flagging has a negative connotation because of other platforms, but it really isn't the same thing here. I mean it is because they rolled it into the same button, but they are really 2 different functions. It's unfortunate that flags must be used to downvote currently, but we steemians must go with what we have for the time being.
@acidyo You mentioned you upvoted @haejin in the beginning... Why stop? Just cause he is making "too" much? The way I see it, If he is helping or I like the post, Im going to upvote. I think thats how the system was meant to be... Right?
Its not about who is making " too much" Its about who is GIVING THE MOST @haejin has helped me sooo much and so many other people... I do not care if he is making a million a week or $5 a week, if I enjoy his content or benefit from it I AM GOING TO UPVOTE, Just as I do for anything else.
Why dont you agree?
The thought of, "He is making too much"seems to be from jealousy... Right?
I mean, if someone is getting these votes he has a group that are enjoying his posts/content.
@haejin asks for upvotes and resteems and follows all the time so he can grow... EVERYONE DOES THAT...
theres always going to be someone making more than others... What if he creates 5 accounts splits up his content and tells his followers to follow all 5 and upvote all of them... then will you be happy? @berniesanders From what I see you have alot of accounts, correct? How come you dont look at the amount you make combined on steemit and compare it to @haejin ?
Everything should flow naturally and the fact that theres people trying to play cops and robbers and chase down whoever doesn't abide by their rules is weird, childish and petty. Not to mention unnatural. To be jealous or hateful because someone is making alot? cmon man. What if theres 5 of him? all doing the same thing getting huge rewards? 5 different accounts... then you ll be taking even more time out of your day to sit there and downvote everything and scroll through and comment and use all your accounts and ask others for help and all of this back and forth?
@berniesanders if .6% or 6% or what ever it is, is too much. What is a fair amount for someone that posts 10-15 times a day, answers sooo many questions, helps out everyone with their charts, accepts 1 on 1 coaching from anyone who needs help at a CRAZY cheap rate.
What is his time worth alone? then his wisdom and knowledge?
WHAT do you think is a "fair reward %" ?? and how come YOU get to choose what is "fair"??
You can try with @haejin, but more will come and more and more. then what? its too much time, too much drama. were all full grown men for the most part I assume. Lets start acting like it.
Can we all just chill out?
The reward pool is percentage based. So the fact that @haejin is making this much money takes away from all the other users who provide quality content. If you think @haejin's posts are good and worth what.... $1000 dollars of rewards a day? Then you can keep upvoting.
If you look at the top reason for flagging, 'disagreement on rewards' then you should see that these people flagging are totally justified. I disagree that @haejin makes $1000 a day and I think it is way more than should be made. Therefore I flag. Just because you think it's fair he makes this much doesn't mean others agree with you.
how does it take away from them?? so if I dont upvote haejin because I see he has too much already... then you expect me to go to someone else and upvote them? I only listen to @haejin. I upvote others about other very good stuff they post. but in terms of Technical analysis of cryptos I only listen to @haejin...
SO, if I dont upvote haejin and I read his analysis... then I leave the site and go back to trading... who benefits?
No one got my upvote... meaning i didnt participate in the reward pool.
The way I see it, hes not TAKING MONEY AWAY... hes brining new money in. Right?
Alot of people join because of haejin. So the reward pool consists of a portion of people that came simply because of haejin... now alot of these people can and will start exploring steemit more and upvoting more people and participating more towards steemit. without @haejin posting a think a big portion of this 8K followers would not be here on steemit.
So if he leaves alot will leave... then the reward pool gets smaller.
Well, no. It would get bigger. It would actually stay the same, but everybody's piece would get bigger. So, for example, the reward pool is 695,419 Haejin is taking 1% of that, he leaves 99% of that for the rest of the communtiy. Doesn't seem that bad, right? Well, there are currently 351,489,308,504,710,000 (that's 351 quadrillion) claims on that reward pool. So a 1% pull from a single user is tremendous.
No. The reward pool stays the same whether he is here or not. We could argue that the more users on Steemit the more Steemit will rise in value, but it could also be argued that if Steemit is seen as an unfair place it could cause Steems value to lower.
Everyone on Steemit has an opportunity and a responsibility to direct the reward pool funds. You can do this by upvoting, downvoting, or abstaininig. @acidyo gave a good example of abstaining. The scenario you mention above would also be abstaining. The community at large benefits because their voice carries a little more weight because you didn't vote. Picture it this way. Your mom gives you and two of your friends the ability to spend 12 bucks at a casino. And tells you to decide where to spend it. She didn't give you each 4 bucks, she just gave you the ability to choose how it's spent. So each of you have equal say over 4 bucks. Friend 1 says put .25 here, friend 2 say put .85 here. You decide you don't want to put the effort into figuring out which game would be best and say you'd rather just go to the pool. Now your friends have control over 6 bucks each.
That 12 bucks is the reward pool and haejin represents a single game a the casino with 351 quadrillion games. In terms of overall benefit of steemit, many of your friends don't think putting so much of our funds into a single game is a good idea.
Well maybe you're an odd case then. Many people actually vote for a variety of people, and don't just vote for one person. If you vote for @haejin everyday, then that means your voting power goes down by so much that your votes on people other than @haejin will be worth less.
If you only use your votes on @haejin, then you are the odd case here. In your case, and if you think @haejin really deserves that much, you may as well continue voting for him. But once again, you are an exception, not the norm.
And you're right, he is bringing new money in. But, this whole stupid war is also meaning that his percentage of the pool is much larger than it should be. Is the amount of people he's bringing in really enough to balance the reward pool percentage he is hoarding? I have no stats so I can't say, but I have my doubts.
If he leaves then I would be happier, because I big whales and minnows alike would be wasting less voting power here and on Bernie and actually curating as normal again.
You need to read on pool reward. You don't grasp the concept of steemit yet ...
Acid I have no idea why your here. Or what value your blog has. I've seen your gamer posts.
I'm a gamer. I was ranked 16th in my province (canada) at SSBM, CAL-O for CS:S, and top tier in many MMORPG's and other games. Easily achieved diamond+ in league of legends before getting bored.
As a historically competitive gamer, I still see no value in your posts but your rewards are massive in comparison to the depth you seem to be giving. And here you are, passing judgement on someone who traditionally would sell their services to millionairs to manage their money for them because his skills are valuable and traditionally hard to acquire.
With the freedom of the internet making info more accessible, Haejin is participating in the dissemination of information which is allowing the more casual person to pick up these skills and learn.
What do you contribute? Besides your obviously jealous and cynical perspective on others who earn more than you?
Again, I'm not flaming. I'm just curious. Giving you my honest opinion of what I've seen from your content.
Yeah not gonna bother replying to this.
I think you are misinterpreting what his posts are about. From looking at his blog, his posts are mainly a lets play style. Your background as a 'competitive gamer' means nothing, because his posts are to provide entertainment. You don't find them entertaining? Then don't watch/read them, it's that simple.
If you think he's being paid too much, then you can flag him. But enough people find value in his posts that they are willing to use their upvotes there. Being skilled as an entertainer is quite a valuable skill that you seem to be completely overlooking here. Who are you to judge what skill is more valuable?
He's giving more than haejin is.
Try looking into @OCD at least for starters, it's one of the better curator groups which are helping new GOOD Steemit users to find some visibility they deserve.
@acidyo, greed is the correct term to be using here. I've been watching this whole fiasco, on and off, since it started. I've noticed many of these loyal followers are incredibly naive. Look closely though. It's actually quite comical.
If these followers give their steempower away to the one account they support, what happens when they go and try to vote for the account they want to support.... :)
He gets much more money from the rewards than trading... That makes me think, are his trading advices that good?
Are they that good?

I started following Haejin in Late November, you tell me?
But the point is people are upvoting him becuase they appreciate his advice.I am sure @Haejin rocks in WAY MORE $$ from trading than he does from steemit.
So because people like what he is doing some arrogant socialist prick is attacking him and now he is attacking everyone tht votes for him or comments. Like I am sure he will flag this comment to.
The Bernie Bots are not just down-voting him a bit here and there but TOTALLY taking @haejin's post rewards down to $0.00. Does that sound like a fair fight? Does that sound like someone trying to make things fair or someone that is bent on destroying a good thing that thousands of steemians are in fact benefiting from?
Now if you want to help @haejin by upvoting his post as soon as it comes out and your self by taking his advice you can get notified the moment he post a new recommendation.
I have created an SMS service here https://steemit.com/elliotwaves/@libertyranger/steemit-new-blog-post-sms-messaging-for-haejin-crypto-annalist-post that will send a text to your phone as soon as @haejin creates a new blog post.
Just my two STEEMS Worth.

LOl, that looks exactly like my portfolio, and i am not following any expert advices haha...
I am not saying downvoting the guy to zero is fair, but its also not fair to take 2000$ or more daily... And if he says "i am not here for the money, but i will leave steemit and go private if i dont get 2000$ a day" then its not making any sense... Also he have an army of users downvoting everyone who give an opinion on the matter...
why is it not fair? The system is giving @Haejin these rewards based off the value of his upvotes. You are then being jelous as fuck to this so you are going out of your way to not just evenly distribute but bring his account to $0. Who is the childish one here? "hUr DuR LoGIc" - niche bloggers
You are a newbie bot who just signed up to backup Haejin... This actually proves my point, and act agains Haejin... Your opinion is worthless... The more worthless newbies come to defend Haejin the worst for him...
remember steemit is a meritocracy, not socialism, @haejin earn that rewards.
Not really sure about that... Having 1 whale upvoting you over and over is not really earning it... This is somehow a grey area... I think there is a potential abuse of the sytem, steemit is not perfect, far from it...
Lol... Yep I'm a bot, everyone that doesn't agree with you is a bot and proves your point because you're always right... Well I can't imagine how Haejin feels against these guys.. Oh well Enjoy your day buddy, Childish replies = no more attention from me~
LOL you signed up just to comment here... LMAO.... I am having a great christmas :)... I am not always right, but in this case you keep proving me right :D :D
@haejin, heard your a guy that like math.. read this..
Perhaps not all as it was made out to be, and perhaps an image was altered to incite hatred toward you. But you will have to read the article to find out.
Also I poke fun at everyone equally...:) I'm not biased by any means in my articles and they reflect that as you peruse my blog..
I'm actually a member of the club now as I have been downvote attacked for the article mentioned above..
Take care, I still think your rewards are excessive, but that is the system we have here. You used it to your advantage and I applaud you for that...
Still not to daily zero...
9 days ago he still go $ 319,19
Pretty good i would say.
This isn't the point. While some people may argue that he makes too much that's not even the point. The point is he is taking rewards away from others and taking a far bigger percentage than he realistically should be taking (IMO).
The number one reason for flagging (try to flag my comment, it will give you the reasons) is disagreement on rewards. Do you really truly think @haejin deserves to be making thousands each day for his posts? If you do, then keep upvoting. But people are totally justified in flagging too, because some people feel he does make too much and take away from the other users.
Further, even if his posts make $0, I couldn't really care less. He makes so much on every other post (just look at his blog).
You claim to be helping @haejin, but you are also damaging the reward pool. Your choice!
I respect his will to share his expertise. For the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to rate him positively for now. I say ' for now' because the past couple months have been extremely bull-ish. If you had picked a random coin with your eyes closed, it would've made alota money. The whole coinmarketcap page was green (most in double digits). If Haejin continues to make good calls even in a bear-ish market, i will rate him like a god haha. but his calls on BTC have been a bit off and i've had other analyzers that i follow on twitter make much better calls. I will continue to follow haejin but not like these go crazy followers he has :P
LOl, that is so right...You will make money on crypto even if you fuck up all your trades, it is literally impossible to loose something in the past few months...
The fact that Haejin is an expert or not is not the point here, the thing is he is now threatening to leave steemit and go private if the flaggin doesnt stop, so "i cant make 2000$ daily posting so i will leave steemit", i mean, really?... And now i get all his fans flaggin my comments, this is getting out of control...
Yes it is, the flagging of comments needs to stop (on both sides!), or the situation will never be "resolved".
Also is that a real quote? - because that does not sound like @haejins words...
Not a real quote (not exact words), but he does stated that he will leave steemit and go private if the flaggin doesnt stop... Check his latest post..
Yeah that's because he's been having to deal with a bunch of douche bags..im pretty sure your performance wouldn't have done so well either...i've been trading equities , futures and commodities for 25 years and he is one of the best analysts i've seen...he made hundreds of dead on calls ..it's a shame that nobody kept track of his performance..i guess he never thought he would get raped by douche bags
Any good exemples of Twitter Analyses ? I have never seen someone as close as Haejin. But multiple sources of informations is still the best. If you're willing to share ofc.
Um sorry....he has made millions in the past 25 years...these upvotes are scraps compared to how much he has made...he is just sharing his knowledge to give back..try again
If he is a millionaire why is he whining about some little money?, if that the case sounds like greed to me...
Did you ever think because he earned it by upvotes????
No i dont't thinks so... I think he really don't need these Steemit Rewards. He ist a successful Trader who made a lot of Money in Crypto and also will earn a lot of Money in the near Future... And he gets what he deserves for sharing his KNOWLEDGE here !
You will go far with that logic boy.
I have gone far already XD