@matt-a we will find out soon where this originated or not.... but dude to blame the whole country is not right, but I understand your frustration but dude , do you have some evidence that bitcoin ransomware or more specifically bomb ransom emails coming from Nigeria? because I dont see any Google results but maybe man...
I am sorry for the heated arguments here and I'm just glad your here posting on steem... dont power down, just keep powering up, I want an SMT that pays people after 1 year of holding steempower... anyway man you need night vision goggles and you can start a skywatch business and with an extra 400 dollar Yukon nightranger 2.5gen nightvision on a tripod with LCD monitor and battery u can go out to the stars and see the UFOs on the LCD monitor AND have the pvs7 3rd gen military nightvision, so everyone can get a turn but also watch the monitor... so u can have dozens ... oh and get a couple lasers and get a pack of like 12 green lasers cheap like 10 bucks each and then everyone can signal and really feel interactive... record it all from the Yukon and record stuff through smartphone held up to the pvs7 but dude you'll make the money back just holding skywatches charge $10 to $20 per ticket for a whole night of showing off the sky and seeing UFOs