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RE: AM I Dreaming??? Or did Bitcoin just soar PAST $5,000!!!!! It's time to celebrate and look forward to an extraordinary end of the year!!!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

$5000? Psh were about to hit $6000!

24 hr high was like $5860! Were gonna be at $6000 by tomorrow!

dude this song is so epic!

PLEASE makemoreof these songs! about how youre trying to get 100 Bitcoin Stacks like @trevonjb dude he is comin up too u NEED to have Trevon in your vieo do some collab be the raper for him have him ballin out in the vid manits gonnabe sick ur gonan be bette than teh whole jake paul fake raperson youtube and ricegum and that shit nahh ur gona be LEGIT ur gonna be famous on youtube too man one day very soon as well but u will havemade it in crypto u will bea super star in crypto world man

u are so legiot right now omg that songcame out SOO PERFECT EXACTLY what ive ben wanting for a while now! @fyrtsikken is a G for helpin with that! man u gotta have a whoel album in th works right?