oh hell yeah and just teem alone has SO much news!
dude in my latest posts i have those images I showed you about how Goldman Sachs marketcap is the SAME as Bitcoin marketcap right now.... i would love to see what happen with that...AND the amazon and the Google (alphabet group) have 680 Billion US dollar marketcap and they say AMazon wiil get to 1 trillion first with its 467 Billion dollar marketcap.... so yeah these are trillion dollar companies that feel cheated by Bitcoin with its 100 billion maketcap which got there without all the hardwork done by amazon and google lol so they want to make sure They grab ON to that decentralized crypto currency wave even if they had nothin to do with helping develop that.... so just by being in crypto we will see big companies jump in and help make US wealthy! make sure you have ENOUGH Steem and Bitcoin to really ride this wave! amazon google apple all gonna accept BTC the app store and google play will accept BTC