John McAfee Bitcoin price prediction by june

in #bitcoin7 years ago

###While there are roughly 35 million millionaires in the world, there will only ever be a maximum of 21 million Bitcoins. That’s right — there will never be enough Bitcoins in existence for every millionaire in the world to own even a single one..
John McAfee always has interesting opinions on cryptocurrency. While most of his social media posts can be ignored, a recent Bitcoin price prediction attracted a lot of attention. In his opinion, BTC will hit $15,000 again this year. This is supposed to happen in June, albeit the current market conditions tell a different story.

#According to McAfee, “Bitcoin will surpass $15,000 in June.” The controversial crypto proponent, however, predicts that the spike will be short-lived as he said the number one crypto would dip in July.


This guy is a joke. Seriously. You know you can book his statements by paying hiom? Also I wonder where all the other guys get their figures from? Has anyone ever thought about that?