Man accidentally threw away $127 million in bitcoin and officials won't allow a search

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Everyone is talking about Bitcoin, this is the most unusual story I have ever come across.

In 2013, a 32 year old Engineer accidentally threw into the garbage an old hard drive which stored data for his "Virtual Currency Wallet" containing 7,500 Bitcoins. At that time it was worth just a few hundred dollars. Today its worth 127 Million!

The city landfill agency refused his request to excavate and search thru the 4 years of garbage that has since piled on top! He even offered to give 10% back ($12 Million) to the city once it was found, they still refused.


Man, I feel for this dude.

If it were me, I'd rock up with a shovel and probably never leave again.


Life is all about choices.