There are many reports that the Altcoin CloakCoin (CLOAK) is being added to Binance soon. Just this one piece of data can make this an incredibly profitable coin to buy and hold for the next few days.
CLOAK is available for trading right now on the major exchange Bittrex and some other minor exchanges.
Binance is the biggest exchange of all. When a new coin is added to Binance, its price tends to shoot up really strong. The growth potential varies, but it can go from 20% to 500% or more.
You can check CLOAK's Twitter feed for some news on this, as well CloakCoin details on Binance.
Here are a few quick suggestions for this trade:
Buy in within the following range: 0.00115 - 0.00150
Sell at the following targets: 20-50% profits. Up to 100% and more 12-24 hours after Binance add.
Decide your profits target and strategy before buying in and stick to it. For example, if you choose to aim for 30%, then go for it, but when you see 30% profits do not stay on the trade, sell, take your profits and move on. On a different note, if you go for 100% potential profits, then stick to it as well... the same with 5%, 10%, etc. Stick to your plan, but think carefully before choosing one.
You can use a 10% stop loss (if the price goes 10% below 0.00115, you can choose to close your trade. This is completely up to you.
Please trade at your own risk, choose wisely before deciding to buy this coin. Do not buy solely based on this recommendation, there is no guarantee that anything will happen. The price can go up as it can go down. Use this piece of information as a tool to better improve the odds of a successful trade.
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