Chinese cryptocurrency NEO at first glance is very good, it is the most successful Asian cryptocurrency project to date. NEO is traded on most major exchanges, has a high trading volume, has numerous ICOS and has smart contracts.
The founder of the project — Da Hongfei, the person is not particularly sociable. Despite the fact that his Twitter account has 40,000 followers, on average, Junpei makes one entry per month. A few days ago, he broke his silence to Express his satisfaction that the first Blockchain will receive the highest score from the Weiss rating Agency.
Criticism of NEO
However, some believe that their estimates do not reflect reality and Weiss themselves are not competent when it comes to the cryptocurrency world.
One of the most vocal critics of the blog is a Store of Value. As a claim to the project blog calls slow Blockchain popular ICO, questioning the requirement to support 1000tps.
Another important problem lies in the fact that its primary use currently is a springboard for ICO. New projects have to prove themselves, adding real value and ease of use of the ecosystem. However, if the projects fail, it can adversely affect the NEO itself.
smells like Bcash FUD
You forget to mention neo is not only used for ICOs but for the Internet of Things. Big difference than what ETH offers
Yes, indeed, neo has some advantages that make it stronger)
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