History of Bitcoin Declines

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hey everybody,

thats basically my first post here and i really looking forward for any kind of discussion.

I want to write about my own opinion and whats happening with the bitcoin right now.
The last couple of days were pretty hard for the most who invested into bitcoin. Surely it depends when you invested but all kind of negativ price development is bad. We're all interested in being profitable!

After losing around 24 billion market cap in a short period, every journalist wrote pretty negativ about bitcoins future. Is it now over? Bitcoin failed? The Bitcoin end game has begun!?

Honestly i don't think so! After reading in the last month different books about shares / emotions and mindsets etc. its getting way easier for me to start thinking about the future without being emotional at all. Every dip i notice is fine for me and im not really interested in selling my assets. I think that it takes maybe 1 or 2 years to reach another all time high but i really trust in bitcoin and the idea behind it (yes i know that other crypto currencies solving problems way better than bitcoin).

But why do i think so? I found recently a pretty good graphic:


It shows all bitcoin dips and how long it took to reach the next ATH. As you can see, it took from dip to dip longer reaching the next ATH and that means for me hodl is the best option for being successful! I think aswell, that the upcoming etf will push the bitcoin price again to the moon. We need money to growth the market and being able to push the price. After some whales entered the market i think media will push again the feeling "FOMO" into everyones mind. A big hype will appear. But nobody can predict when it comes. So now its time to drink tee till the market will rise again.

But what about you? What is your personal strategy?


in diesem Beitrag.

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