Bitcoin Exchanges Unveil Emergency Hard Fork Contingency Plan

in #bitcoin8 years ago

A group of nearly 20 exchanges has released contingency plans in the event that the bitcoin network splits in two, creating two competing currencies.

The exchanges are now planning to list Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) as they would an alternative cryptocurrency, according to the statement. BU is an alternate implementation of the bitcoin software that seeks to expand the block size in an effort to scale the network's capacity.

According to the statement – backed by Bitfinex, Bitstamp, BTCC, Bitso, Bitsquare, Bitonic, Bitbank, Coinfloor, Coincheck, itBit, QuadrigaCX, Bitt, Bittrex, Kraken, Ripio, ShapeShift, The Rock Trading and Zaif – the exchanges would list the BU asset under the BTU or XBU tickers in the event of a network split, which they collectively say "may be inevitable"...

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So basically they want to centralize bitcoin...

But, Bitcoin Unlimited was rejected by the community. Wasn't it?