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RE: My BitPay Debit Card Account Was Closed And I Need An Alternative ASAP!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It doesn't help with the card but have you checked into booking your flight with Bitcoin? There is many options at this point, this list gives a decent intro

I have used Bitso for almost 2 years now, as they have grown I think there service has declined. The only direct bad incident I can point to with them personally is they took around 45USD out of my account claiming I owed them because of errors within there site; claiming I had been previously over paid by the site. I didn't regularly download my trade history so I will never know if they are being honest and just have terrible customer service or they straight stole the money. Either way from my perspective I shouldn't of had to pay...Good luck with getting it all figured out


Hey, thanks a lot for the references , I've used before and did cheack them for fights to Lisbon but they cost $1,300 and a 23-hour flight as opposed to $1,000 and a 14-hour flight. Big difference.

I'll look into the other links you sent me thatnk.

That is strange about bitso charging you. When they took it out of your account was it pesos or bitcoin that they took out?