Why it is so hard for the lower classes to use bitcoin and how we can fix that.

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin as we know is the most popular cryptocurrency, the thing is 75% of people (in the United States) don't even know what it is. This could be easily fixed if we make it possible to use it (or another currency) in their daily lives.

They need a currency that works as quickly as the banking system but also works like a coin.
What they need in order to use it is.

  • A coin with cheap transactions.
  • A coin with fast transactions (like credit cards).
  • A coin with a high transaction volume cap so it can scale.
  • A coin that is secure.
  • hopefully a stable price and ways to prevent inflation
  • A coin that looks serous so they think of it as actual money (it will not spread to them otherwise).
  • A way to cheaply interact and send the coin e.g. no cell phone required.

Bitcoin is the most popular one but transactions are (relatively) slow and expensive so unless they buy online there is not point.
A high transaction volume cap is needed so when they do accept it, it doesn't fall apart immediately. That would close it off in their minds forever.
It needs to be more secure than banks to give them a motive other than the cheaper transaction fees.

A coin like dogecoin is cheap, reliable and fast. The problem comes when people never exposed to money like that try to use it and view it less seriously because of it.

The last problem with them accepting it is you need expensive tools to handle it. For a bank account you just need to walk up with $5 and you can open an account and can gain access to credit cards.

The problem is not that they don't want to it's that there are barriers in place that we must break down. Bitcoins and altcoins will not have succeeded until everyone is able to use them not just the rich elite

We need to make something that functions as a coin with a blockchain but can be accessed with things like pin pads at stores each one could be relatively cheap but have the ability to allow you to access the coin you have from anywhere and all coins could be stored on the chain per account.


You forgot one. A "reason" to use it. This is why many people don't use it either. They have no reason that makes them want to find out how to use it.

Cash and credit, and debit, all seems to do the job. The real reason is for sending money far away for cheap. Most people don't do that a lot.

If you're in the US, 20% off Amazon via purse.io is a pretty good reason...

i included at some points cheaper transactions etc