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RE: $Bitcoin is Going to the Moon This Weekend - But Not for the Reason You Think

in #bitcoin8 years ago

"The Chinese mining pool, ABC, has announced a big-block hard fork of Bitcoin on August 1st"

This is not accurate. There is no ABC Mining pool. Bitcoin ABC is the client that was created by a very large group of early bitcoiners fed up with the stalling tactics of govt-sponsored Core developers to raise the block size limit.

Because it has been in the works for so long, there are many miners and users ready to switch to a big block chain.


Thanks, I will fix this immediately.

I thought there is no hard fork?

So it´s more like a new Altcoin, and the name can´t be BCC because it´s already taken..

Oh its a hark fork for their a chain split, a new altcoin won't contain any history of bitcoin. Bitcoin cash is a hard fok of bitcoin trying to become bitcoin its weird!

It is the result of a power struggle for control of the vision of bitcoin turning into a divorce.