No surprises there then. The FUD continues and the dye is cast: a Visa executive has called for more regulatory control of crypto and said that "Bitcoin is for crooks". The year will continue in bearish mode as more and more FUD attacks against cryptocurrency come from those with a vested interest in stopping the rise of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately the general public seem to be sheep and will no doubt lap this up and continue to sell their crypto, usually at a loss - to those same financial elites who want to keep us all pegged down.
Until we get a breakout from human behavioural patterns and learn some psychology, the rich will stay on top crushing the rest of us lesser mortals who hang on every word they say. We may break them one day but the way I see it, it isn't happening anytime soon!
Here is a link to the FUD piece:
Well said! The Elites and with them the Banking System etc. want to keep control on what's happening. They don't like to see new systems and means on the rise that THEY can't control. And they don't like us ordinary people doing well and succeeding. That's why they - often in the form of mainstream media and governments - call crypto (and MLMs very often, too) pyramids, ponzi schemes, all the negative things and discourage people from getting involved. The elites (I call them The System, by the way) don't want us to set our mindset to a positive one, flood all media outlets with negativity, violence, cheating, killing, to desensitise us and make it seem normal. They hate us being independent common-sense thinkers and acting in accordance with that. People need to wake up and see that crypto currencies are a way out of this stranglehold of some of that control by The System.
Thanks for your comment @hghartoflife. Wonderfully well said and spot on. 👍