Elaborating on (the bottom most chart in) my prior update from last week, Bitcoin appears poised to launch into a shockingly steep rise in price starting approximately February 10.

Bitcoin Rockets Past $14,000 Astonishing Everyone
I’ll explain below the computations for the predicted rises sketched on the following chart. Also note on the following chart the correspondence in the fractal pattern between the liftoff that peaked April 2, 2019 and the recent liftoff that peaked on January 18, 2020.

(click to zoom)
Here’s the prior version of the chart I had presented last week:

(click to zoom)
Returning to my annotated charts I had posted in my recent Steemit updates, I am revising my interpretation of the fractal correlation to that which I annotated on those charts. Jan 18, 2020 corresponded to April 2, 2019.
This could explain why LTC/BTC may have topped already 0.007
because it peaked also April 2, 2019. LTC/BTC may crash in February when BTC starts rocketing!
A flash crash to $7900
towards end of Jan or early Feb is possible (as occurred after April 2, 2019) to shake off the weak hands who still fear lower lows.
The implications of this interpretation, is that the lurch up could be on Feb. 10 and up to above $12k, reaching above $15k before the end of February! And ~$23k in second week of March.
Then some correction before moving higher.
It appears the correction would be back to about $15k bottoming in mid to late April and accelerating immediately to reach $40+k in mid-May.
This really seems to be what is happening.
The above prices and timing are by scaling the prior U correction which began on November 6, 2018 completing on April 2, 2019 into the recent U correction which began October 26, 2019 completing on January 18, 2020. And scaling the ~$3350 to $5350 rise into the ~$6450 to $9150 rise. The duration and extent of the posited coming April 2020 correction is by extrapolating the decrease from 11 months and -94% in 2018 to 4 months and -45% in 2019. Sorry I want bore you by detailing the minutia of that simplistic math.
I advise you to review my preceding blogs such as Bitcoin to $80,000 before May 2020 and $1 billion by December 2020? in order to understand my theory for the underlying drivers of this shocking acceleration in the Bitcoin price. In short the legacy Bitcoin is being readopted and this anticipation of the millions of BTC SegWit booty for miners is causing some movement in anticipation such as the printing of millions of additional Tether. When legacy Bitcoin was first being adopted (before it was co-opted by the impostor Bitcoin Core) back before 2012, the price rise was also highly accelerated.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Craig Wright has essentially reconfirmed everything. Make sure you skip also to ~19min juncture:
The interviewer is clueless about the SegWit attack. And thus can’t appropriately understand Craig Wright’s role.
Realize Craig Wright is just a pawn of the elite who are promulgating this. Craig thinks BSV is going to be the victor. The global elite of course plan to make the legacy BTC the victor.
Craig admits the elite control the private keys not him.
Just like James A. Donald recently wrote in his debate with me that he knows who created Bitcoin. BS. He thinks he knows. Just like Craig thinks he knows. Note he censored my reply wherein I said if he really knew who created Bitcoin, he’d be dead.
All of these players are compartmentalized by the elite running this Bitcoin shitshow. Prepare for the fireworks as I have explained.
I know what is going on. The modus operandi of the Zionists is obvious.