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RE: It is Always a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

YES YES YES, the best time to buy is now,
There is a massive interest in Bitcoin at the moment. Some people say a bubble is being formed, and yes they are right.... because not all the companies who are created now, will survive, that is just how life goes. But other people say, it is still early days for Bitcoin and Cryptos: and again: they are right too, because as we can see: more and more companies are rising every day.
Most important - Popular Media, is talking about Bitcoin more and more: CNN, Bloomberg, Financial Times etc, are keeping up to date with current developments and trends with Cryptocurrencies, and that shows "the time has come", and it is just a matter or time, when BTC will face mass-addoption. Then will be another explosion in BTC valuation.